Hell's Angels [17]

Start from the beginning

 This is god’s doing, I thought as my hands closed around the door knob and an itching began in my back. It reminded me that really needed to find out the terms of that deal but I knew that would probably never know the true extent of my actions while I was dead.

Stopping within the open doorway, I frowned and shrugged my shoulders at the sensation now rippling up my back. A sharp wind and a light drizzle flew into my face as I stood on the threshold but my only thought was that I hadn’t felt like this in over a year. The self-same itchiness that was crawling up my spine had not been present since Lucius had shown me the words hidden within plain view upon my back. It was almost as if it had lain in wait until a time of great peril and uneasiness to start irritating me again.

Unable to do anything about it at that moment, I chose to ignore it. I took a step out of the house and closed the door behind me, jiggling the wooden frame to ensure that it was shut firmly. Then, surveying the street which was now completely deserted, I stepped forwards only to have my chest arch upwards.

A sharp pain replaced the itching as the flesh tore open. The sensation was uncomfortable like the skin had become too tight and had quite literally torn apart leaving behind an uncomfortable burning. Then, through the fissures, something forced its way out of the gaping wounds. It pushing and pushing until a heavy weight settled against my back.

The sudden extra luggage on my back caused me to teeter on my feet while I fought against the nausea and the loss of balance. Added to that, I could feel trickles of something warm and wet running down my unaffected skin until it absorbed into the waistline of my trousers. As my hand reached back to swipe at the substance, I knew that I would come face to face with my own lifeblood.

Pressing my lips together to prevent myself from emptying my stomach contents onto my shoes, I focused out onto the street and the task ahead. I saw nothing. My eyes burned in the gloomy light and I had to blink several times to clear it. A fog had settled over the street which did nothing to ease the burning at the back of my eyeballs.

“Just great,” I muttered to myself while my hands fumbled at my back to feel the source of discomfort on my back.

At first it was merely a bulging mass, my top pulled so tight over it that my top had become two sizes smaller. Yet, I trailed my hand underneath my top to touch the mass. I froze.

Feathers. Soft silky feathers hung from my back and in disbelief I shrugged my shoulders causing the sound of ripping fabric to tear through the air. Somehow I had grown a set of wings which sat confined underneath my top, begging to be set free. Thus as I flexed my back, the feathery extensions stretched outwards ripping the flimsy fabric along the seams.

“Crap,” I cursed to myself before finding my attention riveted on the sight before me.

I didn’t know how I hadn’t spotted it immediately. Either the fog or the sudden sensitivity in my eyes had kept me from seeing. But right in that moment, I could see and I did not like it one bit. Just a few paces from where I stood, there was a limp and mauled form sprawled out across the road. The person had been torn apart so badly that I couldn’t even tell if they were male or female. And I wasn’t going to get close enough to inspect it either.

It’s now or never, I thought begrudgingly when I had paused in front of the door for just a little too long.

 Tension reigned as I strode down the street with light purposeful strides, ones that caused me to cringe each time the ground crunched beneath my feet. There was more I didn’t like about the situation when I noted how still and quiet the town had become. It was even more eerie than it had been upon my arrival to the desolated town.

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