Hell's Angels [13]

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To say that Lucius wanted me out of hell was an understatement. When I finally regained consciousness, my clothes were all packed up for my departure. Even Danny, who was sat on a haggard looking Lucius’ lap, had his coat and shoes on. It was like they were just waiting for my revival which I considered a little over the top. I didn’t even want to know how long they had been sat there for either.

For a few moments, I could only watch the pair of them as they both issued quiet snores into the room which lulled the panic that I had awoken with. My hand came up to press against my lips so that I could stifle a sob. My boys, I thought as I slumped back onto the pillows. A tear fell down my cheek and I quickly swiped it away, almost ashamed to be so emotional over seeing two people sleeping. Nothing could compare to the pure relief that was my very life blood at that moment, nothing would compare to the feeling of seeing the pair of them very much alive.

Pushing myself off of the giant four-poster bed, my feet slapped gently against the glistening floors as I approached the snoozing duo. Reaching out, my fingers brushed hair from Danny’s eyes, a smile curving my lips when the little boy wrinkled his nose before releasing a sigh.

I then turned my attention to the man that cradled my son in his arms. My hand lifted so that I could stroke my finger along his roughened jaw. The flecks of silver in his hair had become more pronounced and as I cupped his cheek in my hand, I noted that he had dark rings underneath his eyes. It was strange to see him that way as the man was always perfectly groomed and so young looking yet here he was with stubble and looking like he was about to enter his mid-life crisis.

Warmth enveloped my hand and I let out a squeak when my eyes met Lucius’ baby blues.  I allowed him to pull my hand from his face and twine our fingers before I gave him a small smile.

“Hey,” I offered, my voice cracking in the middle.

“Hey yourself.” He whispered back. 

My breath caught in my throat and I could only watch as a single tear formed at the corner of his eyes before dripping down onto his cheek. Before he could say anything, I leant forwards and kissed it away, my lips lingering a moment longer on his stubbly cheek before I pulled away. It was when I caught his wide eyed stare that I let out a squeak. I could taste the saltiness on my tongue as I gave him another smile and averted my gaze from his, all the while a blush had spread across my cheeks.

“How long was I gone?”

As soon as the words left my lips, I hunched my shoulders and winced. The hand around mine squeezed tighter and a silence elapsed.

“Sorry, probably not the best question to ask.” I added when I had become so uncomfortable that I had resorted to hopping from foot to foot.

“Two hours on earth, two weeks down here and I could only imagine it felt an eternity where you were. The fact that you aren’t completely insane is a mere miracle.”

Hollow. That would be the word I would have used to describe Lucius’ tone right then. It was like he was reliving the nightmares I had endured.

“Are we leaving now?” I questioned to try and distract him from the horror etched upon his features to which he only shook his head.

“You are, I’m not.” He smiled at me but he would not meet my gaze as he did so. “I have to stay here for a while. They’ve been without my guidance for too long. Besides I need to find out what they did to star.” He took my hand and squeezed it but I my eyes were darting around the room, searching for something but I couldn’t think what.

“Star’s alive.” I murmured to myself with so much certainty that I knew it to be true though I was struggling to tell the difference between my nightmares and whatever this reality was. “Lucius she’s alive. A little bit crazy but she’s alive.”

Hell's Angels (Devil's Assistant Series Book2)Where stories live. Discover now