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Eleanor, you have grown into such a beautiful girl and I have loved watching you grow, You have always been this smart and the best little prankster I know. And I am proud to be called your mother.

1953 October 20th

Eleanor Emilia Swan was now a grown eight year old girl who was shortly to be nine.

Eleanor had shown all of the characteristics of Emma Swan, her mother. The only thing she had from her father was his eyes.

Eleanor was smart, funny, extremely kind and loyal. She has a odd fascination with magical creatures and has currently read Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them about 53 times, She is a bit of a prankster as well, Emma believed she had been hanging around Aaron Weasley far too much.

Emma was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for them as usual, Eleanor had rushed down the stairs smelling the crackling bacon on the stove.

"Morning mum!" she said aloud happily, Emma turned and smiled at her only daughter "Hello love, set the table would you, your Godfather Abraxas is joining us for breakfast with your aunt Sophia"

The young girl was obedient and did as she was told setting up the plate mats and filling cups with ice and cold fresh pumpkin juice.

Eleanor was setting up the cutlery when she heard the floo rang. Eleanor quickly rushed towards the fireplace where she saw her Godfather Abraxas and her aunt Sophia, Eleanor took note that they both looked very smart and elegant as they were heading for the Ministry later that day.

"Brax!" Eleanor shouted as she ran towards the pale blonde man who instantly wrapped her up in a hug "Eleanor! How is my favorite Goddaughter doing this fine morning?"

"I am your only Goddaughter and I'm doing well, hello aunt Sophia you look very pretty today" Eleanor was a sucker for sweets and Sophia always kept a Honeydukes chocolate bar in her purse, Eleanor learned at a young age that all she had to do was compliment the woman in order to get the candy.

"Why thank you sweetie, here's some chocolate, don't let your mother find out" Sophia said as she passed her the small bar and Eleanor whispered "I wont"

Eleanor had led them through the kitchen seeing her mother setting up the food "Ah your here, now please sit" Emma ushered them

"Now why do you two look so fancy?" Emma asked as she took a bite of her English breakfast

Abraxas grabbed the napkin to his mouth before responding "Ministry business, I have a interview as the Malfoy are fairly known to be in the political business and we know how nosey those reporters can be on some news we like to share, but the reason we wanted to have breakfast with you is because..."

Sophia was almost bursting in excitement she couldn't hold her herself together much longer "I"M PREGNANT!"

Emma squealed in delight and hugged her friends happily "Oh I'm so excited a little Malfoy running around now that will be hell" Emma pointed out which caused the two soon to be parents with laughter

"So now I have like a little cousin?" Eleanor questioned

"Yes, you'll be able to help me and Brax with the baby and be like a big sister in a sort of way, how does that sound?" Sophia said

Eleanor nodded greedily, she didn't have any siblings of course and Eleanor was usually only ever around her mother, she didn't have friends her age and sometimes grew to be a bit lonely

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