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Make sure you take risks, make sure you have an adventure, live everyday like its your last, because you will regret it if you don't

It was already the time of the year where the green leaves turn orange, red and yellow, its a bit colder, and the time to celebrate Founder's day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Halloween was tomorrow and the school was already decked out in Halloween decorations, Peeves and the Bloody Baron were already frightening the younger children with their pranks.

Ancient Runes finished quickly, as Emma gathered her things and headed for Charms

"Emma" she heard from behind her to be met with the dark blue eyes of Tom Riddle, She stopped moving and turned to face him

Emma couldn't help but question why he was being so nice to her, for the past week, he would carry her books to class, start a random conversation with her about classes, the prophet and even Quidditch and honestly she didn't know why. It truly made her uncomfortable to be in his presence

Emma and Tom have never gotten along ever since they first stepped into Hogwarts at age eleven, and honestly it scared her by how nice he was being, because he was everything but nice. 

Emma groaned internally as the Slytherin would not leave her alone, she hoped that her friends or Aaron would save her at this very moment

Seeing as they were nowhere near she looked to Abraxas.

"I can't talk right now, I actually need to talk to Abraxas so..." Emma looked to Abraxas for help.

Abraxas stepped up slowly avoiding Tom's angry eyes, Emma grabbed Abraxas forearm and pulled away from the rest of them. "What is happening, seriously I mean why is he acting like this?" Emma said getting straight to chase.

Abraxas pretended to not know what she was talking about "I don't understand what you mean?"

Emma stared at him straight "Are your serious? has Tom ever willingly held your books for you, bag and walk you to class. What should I do? he won't leave me alone. Its like—its like he's obsessed with me"

Abraxas wasn't sure what he should say, he didn't know her very well but he didn't want to see her hurt "Perhaps he just want to be friends"

Emma almost wanted to laugh at that statement, "You know what forget it, I'll see you later for your tutoring session" Emma walked away as fast as she could, she wanted nothing to do with Tom he truly scared her.

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Abraxas watched Emma leave in the direction of the Great Hall. Tom didn't waste any time in reaching his second hand man.

"What were you two talking about?" He asked curiously, Tom clutched his bag tighter.

Abraxas wasn't sure if he should say "she was wondering why you were acting so nice, I think you should back off for a bit. I think she's actually afraid of you rather than being in love with you" he answered truthfully

Tom's furrowed his eyebrows "she afraid at the fact that I'm being nice to her? That doesn't make any sense?" Tom asked

Abraxas sighed "Are you forgetting the fact that we all used to bully her, torment her and her friends. Of course she's afraid. This is all new for her, ever since I met Emma she's always been quiet girl ever since her mother died. She doesn't let people in usually. That means you have to be slow with her, gain her trust, don't go over the top with all of this your doing. You will only push her away. Who knows she may be packing all of her stuff in the Head Common Room now" Abraxas told him

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now