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The happiest memory in my life was the first time I entered Hogwarts, that memory changed when I had you.

Waking up to extreme back pain was not the kind of thing that made Emma happy in the morning.

She groaned in annoyance as she stood up from her bed pushing the covers aside, she placed her hand on her fully developed nine month pregnancy belly.

"Your lucky your a boy Moon" she said to him in envy as she made her way down the stairs to her kitchen, the baby kicked and Emma groaned once more "Seriously, don't do this to me right now" Emma said to her belly as she prepared herself a cup of tea.

Emma was on maternity leave and Doctor Nova had advised her to keep off her feet at all times but knowing Emma she was stubborn and was always on the move.

But that all stopped when whoever decided to show up in her fireplace, they will scold her for not listening and make her stay on the couch. While they did her bidding such as cleaning and getting groceries.

Everyday for the past four months, one or two or more would come through her fireplace to see how she was doing and all that other stuff.

Her father had visited yesterday with Nancy, today she wasn't sure who was coming it was different everyday, but they all kept their promises as they were going to help her and Emma was grateful.

As Emma poured her tea from the kettle she felt pain,"Woah" she said aloud and she held onto her stomach

Within a few seconds it was gone like nothing ever happened, Emma furrowed her eyebrows "Did I just feel my first contraction?" Emma asked no one.

Speaking to herself was one of the things Emma did a lot during her pregnancy, her family would always look at her oddly when they noticed this, Emma passed it on saying she was "talking to the baby", they didn't question her further, they had theory that she was only doing this thinking Tom was around as he was always near her and would listen to her but that wasn't the case anymore

She wobbled over to the small calendar and looked at the date, she was two weeks early.

Emma breathed out calmly "Okay I'm not going to do anything until the contractions are more consistent" she said to herself

She made her way upstairs to her bedroom, and sat as she tried to regain her breathing from walking up all those stairs.

She placed her back against her pillow sitting up straight, a few minutes later another contraction.

Her face scrunched in pain, she breathed through it remembering Doctor Nova words in her ears.

She grabbed her wand from her bedside table "Expecto Patronum" Emma said aloud letting her happiest memory enter her mind.

A hare came bouncing out of her wand, "I'm having contractions and I believe I'm going into labour, so please hurry" she said to the hare, it nodded towards her

"Go to Carlisle Swan, The Malfoys, The Weasleys, Ares Lovegood, Nancy Bellows and Doctor Nova" she said, the hare then quickly bounced out of the room and disappeared outside of room.

"Now all I have to do is wait" she said aloud to no one once again trying to calm herself, she was nervous out of her mind, she wasn't sure if she could do this at all.

Within a few moments her father and her friends came barreling into her bedroom.

They all came to her side, the boys staying aside letting the women do what they needed to do

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now