Countless Times

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More than once, have you saved me.
More than twice, have you praised me.
More than three times you've given me a will to keep living.
I'd be here forever if I was stating how many times you kept me from crying.
I'd be forever if I was stating how many times you kept me from fearing.

You're something special to me - And you own a place in my heart that no one else can touch.
Someone I trust, that I'm not afraid to breakdown in front of. Someone who takes me seriously, and knows when to make me laugh.

You know when to let me off on the hook.
You know when I've had enough.
You know when to stop at certain point and let it be.

I'm grateful for your heavenly words - Your blessing presence.
Your life means everything to me; I'd sacrifice my own for you.
And you'd do the same for me, you've spoke those words countless of times.

My, my! I see a pattern over here!
I see myself becoming you - But it's a role-reversal.
Never forget that I-

"Why did you even open your mouth?"
"I'm surprised she even has the guts to be here."
"I know! Let's throw a book at her! Maybe it'll knock some logic in her brain!"

No, you see those statements as lies. Keeping me sane, when you say you'll protect me from the people that leave bruises along my skin.
You check up on me. Make sure I'm okay.
You see through the bars.
In my cell, you see me.
Chained, and sitting slouched over.
You shined a light in - But, it wasn't s flashlight.


It was the sun.

Something warm.
Something I hadn't seen in all its beauty for a long time.
You picked the lock of my cell - my mental prison - and the door creaked open.
Rushing over to my side, you unchained me.
Checked me for wounds. But saw that my soul was melting.
You took it upon yourself to fix it.
How you're doing this? I don't quite know your tactic, but I'm intrigued by it.
Even when you make progress, someone comes along and rips it away.

You're persistent.
You don't give up.
You don't give up on me.

Letting me know, that I'm not alone, in this hole.

You know who you are when you read this.

Emotions and Words Turned into PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now