Amplifying Agony

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Slowly drifting into a soft
Embrace. You watch the one
who had always loved you wash away.
It's not all bad!
No, not at all! They're only dying!
Being torn apart as you stare along the sidelines of mocking.
The glass between you two will never separate you both.
Yet, you never scream.
They do.
They reach out. Beg for mercy.
They love you.
Your heart only has room for so many people.

I watch through a mirror -
A different world.
Encased of beautiful wonders.
Your world is off.
Yet you lay awake.
I watch as your eyes well with tears.
You didn't save them.
Now you're paying the price.
Eternal guilt.
Never ending memories.
It's burned itself into your brain.
Oh, but don't worry;
Sinners live as long as they keep sinning.
As you finally drift into the world of deep slumber, I crawl out of the mirror.
Eyes beat red.
Hands ready to break anything in front of me.
I crawl along the ceiling and over your bed.
I fall into the covers
bringing awareness to my presence.
Sinners live as long as they sin.
You didn't want to sin.
Why not?
You didn't save the life that wanted you.
You kept yourself alive.
How selfish.
Your being deserves this.
This agony.
You're stuck behind the mirror.
I'm in your place of freedom.
You're trapped. Forever pounding against the glass that holds you back from the world you used to live in.
I'm alive once again.
"Goodbye, Jonah."
The glass smash's,
And so does your tear stained face.
Your wide eyes will never see the light again.
It's my turn.
I breathe out your name.
I have no feeling left.
Our family is broken, gone, dead.
Your heart was shattered.
The next time we meet, it will not be me. If we do meet again...

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