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Body laid against the rough texture of the pavement; She let the hail pummel against her skin. The oblivion her mind spun in was staggering. Nothing more than the soft buzzing sound of static.
Eyes closed, she couldn't feel. Nothing made anything.
The flowers scattered around her body in an outline. Bringing attention to her - If anyone were around to watch her.
She began to twitch.
A strike of lightening lit up the sky.
Sitting up straight, she let out a gasp. Begging for oxygen to fill the lungs inside of her, she was hyperventilating. Stumbling, she stood. Looking around the nowhere she was in. Nothing was everywhere.
Panic rushed through her veins.
Warm liquid trickled down her forehead over be front of her face. The hail impacting her head at vast strengths.
Taking a first step she began to walk. To walk forward. Backward. Sideways. Somewhere.
She didn't know what she was.
Was she alive?
Her foot caught against her ankle and caused her to fall to her knees. The pavement clawing at the flesh.
Looking up, she finally saw something.
A building. Staring her dead in the face. She crawled over. Not having strength to use her legs properly.
The doors were almost like an auditoriums. Lifting her limp hand to the handle, she wrapped her dead fingers around the rusted metal. She then pulled the metal down, the door swinging open with the wind.
Pushing herself, she finally was on her feet. Wobbling into safety. Her legs jellied around her. Her vision blurring. Mind nauseating.
She fell onto the edge of the stage. The wooden edge penetrating its way into her side. Her iced hands gripped onto the ledge, pulling herself over and onto the stage itself.
Breathing in harshly. Pupils dilating on their own accord, they noticed a chair in the middle of the stage.
The crowd began to clap. Clapping with excitement.
She looked behind the chair, seeing a shadowed her. She was her, but her was not she.
Standing, she limped towards herself. Herself held out a noose, a cut out smile on her face.
She looked at herself, horrified.
'Do it.' Herself whispered, smile unnerving.
With shaky hands, she took the noose from her own hands.
The crowd roared with happiness. All eyes were on she now. Waiting for the climax of the show.
As she turned towards the crowd, the eyes of theirs were nonexistent. They were on the walls. Blinking and staring her down. The anxiety rushed through her like a train going at full speed.
She shuffled her body to face the chair. And one foot placed itself flat on its seat. She didn't want to. Climbing the chair - she was now standing. Her head tilted upward, she could see a hook above her.
She couldn't reach, but her shadow grabbed the end of the noose and appeared next to the hook. The rope began to tie around the hook - tightly.
She swallowed a lump in her throat. As she held the noose's eye within her hands, she looked towards the crowd. Still smiling and clapping they were.
As she wrapped the noose around her neck, her shadow kicked the chair out from under her. She took in one last breath of air -
Herself cackled wickedly, gripping her hair. Another strike of lightning lit up the sky.
As the sky dimmed; the auditorium was silent. Abandoned.
All that was left was the chair and noose. Her body hanging lifelessly, blood still trickling down her face.

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