Chapter 22- Devastation

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Hi people. I ALMOST forgot about today's update but most of you viewers are probably in America so it wasn't too late for you guys. Well, I'm British and it's almost midnight. Yay... Hope you enjoy!


"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid your daughter is suspected to be dead," the policewoman announced to the sobbing pair over on the other side of the line.

"No... No. Your lying!" Tom shouted, shakily holding the phone in front of him while it was on speaker so Sabine could listen as well. 

"I'm really sorry, sir. But we can't ensure she is alive after all this time of her missing." 

"Okay. Thank you, ma'am," Tom said, tears gushing from his eyes like endless waterfalls. 

"And you, sir," she replied, then hung up. 

"My baby's gone... She's really gone," Sabine cried, throwing herself into the comforting embrace of her other half. 

"I know, dear. Don't worry: she will surely come back," Tom reassured, holding her close. Sabine held onto that little white lie. She held onto it because she had nothing else to hold onto.


Chat Noir took in his surroundings: eerie, towering trees arching above him and pure looming blackness ahead of him. Wow, horror movie much? He thought, stepping over stray twigs thanks to his night vision. After a few minutes, he came to a halt when he heard a movement within the trees.

Someone's movement.

Chat froze before he pulled out his baton and shifted into his fighting stance. "Who's there?" He shouted, looking around to see if he could detect the presence of another being. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him, making him jump out of his skin. 

"And who may you be to be trotting on mine and my brother's land?" Said a raspy yet young voice. 

"Chat Noir. And you?" Chat asked, raising his eyebrow and cocking his head to the side in curiosity. "Kyran. Kyran Starling. Why are you present here on my land then, Chat Noir?"

"Well, I'm here to save a girl. Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Well, Jacob's not going to be rather impressed... Kyran thought, eyeing Chat suspiciously. 

Should I let him past? I mean, the look in his eyes is showing pure love for her. Whereas Jacob only shows a hint of love and the rest just hunger. I mean, Jacob does love Marinette but I can see this guy loves her more... Wait, what am I thinking? I'll risk my relationship with my brother. No, he can't save her. 

As painful as it is. Kyran did have a good soul. He wasn't like his brother; power-hungry, lustful, dare he say, evil. But, he did love his brother and was really close to him. He didn't want to risk that. After his two-sided debate, he looked and Chat and said, "I don't think so." 

And with that, he took a fist to Chat's regretfully and carried him to somewhere not even Jacob knew about.


Jacob fell weak in Marinette's power as she loomed above him while he was laid flat on his king-sized bed. Damn, this girl's got power. He thought, trying to match the same hunger and force Marinette had in their never-ending kiss. Marinette removed her lips from his and started trailing kisses down his neck until she found his sweet spot, sucking and biting on it. Wide-eyed, Marinette threw herself off Jacob as soon as she realised what she was doing. Toppling beside him, Marinette covered her face with both of her hands and started rambling. 

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