Chapter Fifteen: The Fashion Show

Start from the beginning

Alexis wore a simple but elegant lavender dress. She had long diamond earrings dangling from both her ears. On her left ring finger, she wore the diamond ring Justin gave her. She carried a little clutch bag with her.

"Jacob!" she said and gave him a hug.

It seems to him that he didn't really cared about Alexis right now. He slightly responded to her hug and just patted her on the back. He shook hands with Justin who had his eyes on him the whole time while hugging Alexis. Jacob didn't care. He was really anxious to see Audrey.

"We'll meet you inside Jacob," Justin said and held Alexis on the waist.

"Oh sure," Jacob said and nodded.

"See you inside," Alexis said and the two headed their way.

"Jacob must be worried sick and is wondering where Princess Audrey could be," Evan joked.

"No. I'm not worried. I'm just looking for her," Jacob snorted.

"Oh there's Audrey!" Evan squeaked.

"Where? Where? Where?" Jacob asked with gusto.

"No where. I'm just kidding mate!"

"Damn you!"

"Well you looked really excited to see her."

"Remind me to never believe you again!" Jacob said in annoyance and rolled his eyes away from Evan.

"Relax. Audrey is going to be here!"

While waiting for Audrey, the two heard a huge commotion was occurring outside. The paparazzi were taking snapshots of a beautiful maiden walking her way down the red carpet. She attracted the attention of the many men.

Everyone was filled with awe as Audrey swaggered her way down the carpet. She wore a beautiful, humble smile. The sun was shining down on her, as the wind blew her perfect hair back. Her diamond earrings dangling from her ear as it sparked from the light reflected from the sun. She wore a beautiful snow white dress that ran from the bottom of her knees to the top of her chest with diamond stuns on the upper part of the dress. The light illuminated her beauty and complimented her dress.

Every man wished to know her name and every woman envied her for her beauty. She looked like a goddess. Golden as the sun. For Jacob, everything was on slow motion. Audrey slowly approached Jacob as the paparazzi followed her. The closer she got to him, the more he wanted her.

"Jacob!" Audrey squeaked louder than Alexis.

"Audrey." Jacob was speechless and mesmerized by her beauty. "You look..."

"Beautiful!" Evan said finishing up Jacob's complement.

"Thank you! I just put this on and tada! I look like this!" Audrey gushed.

"You look really splendid!" Jacob complemented her one more time.

"Wait Audrey!" Evan said loudly.


"Are you an alien?" Evan asked.

"No? Why?"

"You again and your stupid pickup lines." Jacob said irritated. "Don't you see she wants to go inside.

"C'mon J. Let me finish this time." Evan pleaded. "Let's try this again. Are you an alien?"

"No. Why?" Audrey said. "Because you abducted my heart. Nice. That was centuries ago."

"Awe! Let me do another one."

"No time. They're about to start," Jacob boasted.


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