chapter 4

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Being in detention is like striving,you dont talk,you dont look around you just focus on mr Kripboard.He is a fat teacher and very lazy .He claims to be strict but yet children can pass him because he loves sleeping.During this time i manage to finish my homework and made a decision to take 800 from  my savings to buy a dress for Friday.When detention was over i ran out so i can not make Jay wait.

I still dont know what he wants to talk to me about,for him to wait for me for the whole 2 hours it must be something important.I just hope its something good,maybe he want to discuss about the party or his relationship with my best friend.

Ive been waiting for him for about 5 minutes now,he is never late cause he  knows my patience is smaller than a cell.

"I can see you are tired of waiting for me,ive been watching  you for about 4 mins getting irritated,"somebody said behind me.The voice sounds familiar.As I turned a new face appear in front of me.This guy he is tall,masculine,nice body and he is really handsome,he has nice Green eyes with really neat shaped eyebrows and im so jealous my eyebrows are ugly.He is smiling at me,his smile is perfect wait maybe im speaking to a god because this guy he is just perfect.'i wouldn't mind worshiping you',i thought to myself.
"Am i that handsome that you'd worship me id like to be worshiped by a pretty girl like you",he said with a smirk.I cant believe i said that loud.I really need to practice how to not say things out loud because its now becoming an embarrassing  habit."are you mute?"he asked with his one perfect eyebrow raise.

"Uhm no,im not mute,plus i  was not waiting for you ,Who are you?"i asked.he looks shocked to my question.

"You dont know who i am?"

"If i knew who you were was I gonna ask?"

"Well i will introduce myself,I am Tyrol. I am the soccerteam captain,I used to be in this school  then i left now im back.I was sitting right next to you in detention thats where i saw you from,Cassy."

"You were the guy that slept for the whole 2 hours,How you knoe my name"

"Yes that was me and FYI,I was not sleeping,anyways do you need a lift or what,What are you waiting for its late now there's no one here,you need to go home and i know your name because its written on the book that you are holding"

"Who died and gave you the permission to tell me what to  do?"okay that was dumb,i forgot about the book.

"I was just tryna help you,im not tryna boss you."

"Well im fine thank you for your help."

"Cassy,I cant leave you here alone,so i will wait with you till that person comes."

This guy who does he think he is,I dont even know now he thinks he has some duty to be caring about me. "Thank you but no thank you Tyrol,I am fine."

☆JAY-hey sorry i couldnt wait,Connie's car broke down n i had to take her home and her mother asked me to have lunch with them so i will just come later and we will have that talk.

Im sorry

This is the first time Jay has ever let me down like this,I've been waiting for him speaking to this good for nothing guy for him to just let me down.I wont lie,Im really angry and we will have to talk about it. School finished 2 hours and 20 mins ago and he only gets to tell me now.I waited 20 mins for nothing.Now im starting to get really pissed.

"Bad News i see,Your face looks like its gonna Explore,thats not good for a girl."he said

"Learn to mind your own business it will do you good in life, trust me."

"You get so feisty when you angry,I see,I must say its a good view,"he smirked.

"If you are bored, i wont entertain you.Go and find somebody to entertain you and leave me alone",I turned and started walking to the exit but i couldnt because Tyrol got hold of my arm."What are you doing,Let me go,what is your problem?"I asked him pulling my hand away.

"Relax,I wont hurt you,just wanted to know whether you want a lift and i wont take no for an answer because its for your own good safety plus its hot,"he said.

"For my own safety,I dont even know you and you expect me to ride with you."i told him

"Come on,What could i possibly do and trust me Cas you know me,your mind isnt straight right now but you know me."

"Dont call me Cas,only one person calls me Cas for you it's Cassy, plus when i say i don't know you,i dont know you,you cant force me to know you."

"Wow,you are still stubborn,Can we go and stop having unnecessary argument,im not a rapist/killer i wont do you anything."

Im really considering his offer.Yes,I don't know him but he doesnt look like he'd hurt a fly,plus im too tired to walk."Okay fine lets go"

"Finally i can kill you ,"He joked

This guys is so awesome.I dont have a lot of friend,lemme just say i only got 2 friends Jay and Connie but this guy seems amazing.It seems like ive known him all my life and his voice does sound familier but his name and face are strange ,I have never seen his face before.

He got the new BMW,im not good with cars but it looks good.That tells me one thing .He is wealthy.What else does he need in life.He is hot,good personallity and also wealthy and im also 80% sure he has both his parents some people are just blessed

The ride home is quiet,he doesn't talk too much and he stops the car and i looked at him to ask why he stopped the car when i recognised the familier place.Thats my house how does he know where i stay?

"How did you know....?"

"As i said Cassy you know me and i also know you.Have a good day,See you in school tomorrow .Goodnight".With that he left.

"I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE,"I screamed .
I really dont know  him. I dont know who Tyrol is

Chapter 4 guys♡

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