Come Back, Please

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All I know is
I love you too much
To walk away now
Come inside
Pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity
In my voice when I talk


Lies. All lies.

Erik could very well kill someone and sleep like a baby, as if that's not what he's been doing for years now, but he didn't just want you; he wanted your love.

He had lost your love a long, long time ago. When he told you about his scars, you were disgusted and refused to talk to him. Everyday he sent you expensive (some stolen) gifts to show you that he does care about you and would never cause harm to you. He reminded you that he hadn't given you a reason to hate or be afraid of him, and obviously it worked. That night, you gave your virginity to him. It was the best feeling you both had felt in a long time.

But now, you both will never experience that again. And it's all his fault. He knows he can't make it better, so he makes it worse. Now you were even more paranoid and wary than you were before which will make it even more difficult to get you to be with him again.

But Erik will have you as his queen. No one else.

He stops at an abandoned thrift shop to get her his thoughts and emotions. You already are aware of how much he wants you back, the problem is how can he get you to want him?

You can't. Erik drops his head back wards over the seat. This nigga again.

Ay, fuck off.

Hell naw, nigga. I'm here to tell you like it is. She don't want yo ass. Look, T'Chaka is dead, the plan to retrieve the vibranium in London is almost set in motion. You need to stop chasing this girl and go get ready for the biggest event of your life. You finally gonna avenge dad and possibly push black people to the top of the food chain and you out here chasing pussy? Tragic.

I can't do this without her.

You gonna throw away what you've been working towards your entire life? For what?

I need a queen.


"I DON'T FUCKING WANT LINDA AS MY QUEEN I WANT Y/N!" Erik yells out loud. Luckily, there was no one to be found to hear him.

You know what...fine. If you can't beat them, join them. Ay, you remember that one SpongeBob episode where Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob went to that old witch lady who put a curse on the Krusty Krab and Mr. Krabs said the way to win a woman over is to beg and plead and it worked? Maybe you can try that? Erik made a face.

Boy, what? Do you know how dumb you sound right now?

Bitch you got a better idea? He did not. Exactly.

"Whatever, man." Erik started up his car. Now to go find you again.


Meanwhile, you were panicking. You rushed back into your room, packed up all your things, returned your room key and raced out the hotel as fast as you could. The prostitutes mistook you as someone who was on her way to get some dick instead of someone who was running from it instead.

"Oh, shit! She bout to get some dick!"

"Gone head, bitch! I ain't mad at ya!" You couldn't hear the rest because you zoomed off in your car as fast as you could. You were leaving New York. You didn't care. You were calling your mom, telling her your situation, and booking the first flight to Georgia, your hometown. Eventually, you came across what used to be a theater. It had gotten shut down years before you came to New York and nothing had been done to it since. It just sat there and fell apart as the days passed.

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