The Good and The Bad

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(I'm not really proud of this chapter so this will change in the future when I think of another idea for it)


Cause when it's going good
It's going great
I'm Superman
With the wind at his back
She's Lois Lane 


There are times in this relationship that you two actually do enjoy.

One morning, you woke up with a fresh bruise on your face, last night rushing back to you like a wave during high tide. You smelled the basic breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I know this nigga did not-, you hopped out of bed to see what the fuck going on.

It turns out that this nigga, in face, did.

He was standing at the stove with his back facing you, frying up some eggs. You crept slowly around the corner, shook at the scene in front of you.

Perplexed, if you will.

"I-I am...confusion." You had no other words. Erik turned around, smiling with a floral print apron on. The hell..?

"Am I still asleep? Is this really happening?" You asked. He chuckled and turned the stove off. Wrapping his arms around your waist he said, "Happy Bithday, baby."

Damn. You were turning 28 this year weren't you? Huh. You didn't even notice.

"Oh wow. Thank you, baby. You made all this?" you look at the assortment of food on the table. It actually looked...edible. You're surprised since the last time he tried to cook he literally burned the water that he was going to put the pasta in. Y'all still don't know how the hell he managed to do it.

"Just for us, baby." You smiled brightly and sat down to eat. You knew this Erik wouldn't be here for long. After today he'll turn into the demon that he always was. The thought made your mood sour.

"C'mon and finish so I can devour that kitty for my breakfast."

Well, not that sour.


But when it's bad
It's awful
I feel so ashamed
I snapped
Who's that dude
I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her
I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength

Sometimes, Erik lies awake the rare nights that you're asleep. He would just lie there, tired but not able to rest. His conscience keeps him from closing his eyes.

You fucking monster, it would say. He would answer back in his head. I know.

You deserve to rot in hell.

I know.

She could die from this, y'know.

I fucking know that. You tell me all the time.

One day, someone will ascertain the situation and you'll be gone and she will find someone else to love her. Erik would start to get mad. No one will be taking his queen.

Like hell I would let anyone take her from me.

Oh? But it's okay for you to find someone to take her place? You can go out there and court other women like Linda then come home and treat your real girlfriend like shit but it's a problem if she wants to leave you, right? Yeah, that makes sense. And where was this energy when I said she could possibly die? You that heartless?

Shut up. Shut the fuck up.

So now you getting mad 'cause you know I'm right? Humph. You're pathetic, nigga. You really out here telling me to shut up? Nigga I'm YOU. How you gonna tell your self to shut up? Where they do that at? With your crazy ass. Erik tossed and turned in the bed, trying to block out his inane conscience.

Fuck off.

Nigga don't cover your ears. I'm in your head the fuck is covering your ears gonna do?

You're so aggy.

Damn right we are.  But at least I don't beat women.

Nigga you just told me we the same person

Who sed dat? Not I. You trippin' trippin'.


Woah, Nelly. You ain't gotta tell me twice. I'll leave you to ponder what I just told you. Erik groaned and ran his hands down his face. He hated being by himself. He liked being distracted so his thoughts would come and fuck up his whole mojo. And you were the biggest distraction.

And every night, while your back was turned to him he would swear to himself that he would never ever hurt you again. But then his conscience would come back and remind him, Now you out here lying? This is what do now? You know you finna smack the shit out of her tomorrow.

Erik sat up on the bed and put his head in his hands.

He really needs a beer. Or two.


If you couldn't tell, I kind of had some trouble with this chapter. I couldn't really think of any scenario to go with it so I just started typing and see where it went from there.

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