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Where you going
I'm leaving you
No you ain't
Come back
We're running right back
Here we go again


There was one had actually had enough of his shit.

This time you were going to leave him for good. You already had your bags packed, a place you were going to stay, and you were planning to leave while he was in deep slumber.

That night, you asked if Erik could sleep on the other side of the bed. Of course, he was against it but scoffed at turned over anyway. When you were sure he wasn't going to wake back up, you crawled out of bed, got your things from the closet, and tiptoed down the steps. You would have made it too...

" where you going?"

Shit. He woke up.

The rain that was pouring outside had increased significantly, almost as if mother nature already knew what you were in for, and wanted to spare any passerby's or neighbors from hearing your screams. You didn't answer him-what could you possibly say?

"I-I'm leaving."

"To where?"

"None of your business." He blinked. If he wasn't mad before, he was definitely mad now.

"The fuck do you mean 'none of my business'? It is my business 'cuz you're my girl." Your vision turned red. How dare he say that after all the shit that he has put you through?

"Erik, I'm sick of your bullshit! Every day, you abuse me, you call me the most degrading names in the English language. You punch me, you slap me around, you treat me like a slave every day of my life then go out and cheat on me with that girl, Linda! Then you come home and rape me every night! I don't want to be with you anymore!"

It hurt. The fight that occurred after your rant. He punched you in the door. You were dizzy and your mouth was bleeding, but you were aggressive just like him. You wouldn't go down without a fight. You took the nearest thing, a table lamp, and with all your might, hit him in the face with it. He staggered back, didn't react for a full 15 seconds. It was so quiet, you wondered if that punch had made you lose your hearing; you wouldn't be surprised if it did. The thunder outside brought you back to reality, but it did the same to Erik. He lunged at you with both of his hands reaching forward to grab you, but you had ducked under him and ran. To where? You didn't know. Anywhere but there.

The chase was filled with yelling and throwing objects and ended with him cutting off the blood circulation in your neck as he fucked you for the second time that night.

He had always joked that angry sex was the best sex and you would laugh with him saying you wouldn't know, then he would say that he'd show you one day...

You really wish he didn't.


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