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"Thank you again for helping me with the cupcakes!" Darcy says. Is the only one who knows about the shadow world. She's my mundane best friend. What? It's not like I chose to tell her....sure I wanted her to know but, I didn't tell her. She was leaving the library at 10:00 pm and got attacked by a Shaw demon. Was I supposed to let her die? No! So now she knows, but Darcy is kinda....well, for lack of a better word....weird....she isn't like a normal mundane. She's different, at first, Jason thought she was a demon.
"No problem Velma.." I call her Velma because she looks like Velma from scooby doo, except her hair is longer, and she doesn't wear a turtleneck, and her sweater is red. I turn around and see the guy I saw at the park duck behind a corner. I frown. "Have you seen that guy before?" I ask. The boy had glasses, he was tall and skinny and had spaghetti like arms. But he looked cute. Not cuter than Gabe though...a small voice inside of me says. I shake out my thoughts.
"Who? Sherman? Yeah he's been at school for the past six months...he has a puppy crush on you...he follows you everywhere" Darcy says.
"Everywhere?!" I ask.
"Ok, not everywhere, but he follows you around. I nod slowly.

I was folding my laundry when Rapha came into my room. "What do you want?" I ask looking at his eyes.
"Let's go to the new roller skate rink...it opens tonight at 8" Rapha says.
"Come on...you can hang out with Alec" Rapha says. I whip around.
"What?!" I ask.
"Yeah...Alec, tall, blue eyes, black hair..." Rapha says. "You know...your boyfriend" Rapha says.
"I don't have a boyfriend!" I say.
"And I'm not a shadowhunter" Rapha says. "Let's make a deal...you come with me to the rink...you have fun with your boyfriend at the rink...and I won't tell anyone about your boyfriend..." Rapha says. "Deal?" I sigh.
"Deal" I say. Rapha shakes my hand. I sigh.

I was in the kitchen eating grapes. "Hey mom...Me, Sam,Joe,Cely and Jace are going to the skate bar...it opens at 8...so we'll be leaving at 7:30" I turn and see Alec.
"Ok...be home by eleven...and if you get caught up in trouble call us..." I say. "Oh! And don't forget your blades and steles!" I yell as he leaves.
"Ok!" Alec says from the hall.

We were all in Cat's room. We did this every time we went out, regardless if it was with the boys or not.

Cat was wearing Cat ears, a plaid sleeveless vest type shirt, a black skirt with a leather belt, black flats and a small leather purse.

Cat was wearing Cat ears, a plaid sleeveless vest type shirt, a black skirt with a leather belt, black flats and a small leather purse

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Sam was wearing a Beanie with it's tips out to look like ears, a white shirt with a black jacket on top, black jeans and adidas shoes.

Sam was wearing a Beanie with it's tips out to look like ears, a white shirt with a black jacket on top, black jeans and adidas shoes

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