"Death Predation," Zeref murmured, a large sphere of blackness beginning to consume everything around him.

Gildarts hurried to Mavis and picked her up. "Watch out, First Master."

"Gildarts!" Mavis looked at him.

"Don't be too distracted by your surroundings," he remarked. "And it's about time I let go," he set her down and laughed, pointing in Zeref's direction. "That guy over there seems to want to kill me, after all."

Mavis chuckled and said a quick, "Thank you," and Gildarts returned to fighting.

Opening her blank emerald eyes, a radiant light surrounded Mavis as she raised both of her hands up to the sky. "Tenko!" she cried

A large white fox appeared and the chimes of bells could be heard in the distance. It opened its beaded golden eyes and overlooked the many enemies before it. Shaking itself and fanning its nine tails with a majestic manner, it turned its head towards the sky and opened its mouth, letting out a loud roar. It tore at its enemies without mercy and soon enough, they dispersed back into black dust. Its magoi was now at its last bit.

"Go back to where you came from, undead!" Sting roared.

With the final blow being inflicted, the undead dispersed and the black rukh fluttered away and disappeared. Panting and relieving a sigh of relief, Sting straightened himself and wiped the debris off his face. Lucy stood atop the stone mounts, having already taken care of the enemies that she was in charge of. Sting joined her and the others soon rejoined as well.

"Judging from the looks of it, it's not going to be over yet, is it?" Sting commented.

"Yeah," Lucy answered and opened her mouth, speaking loudly and clearly. "Lucifer! Mind showing yourself now?! There's nothing you can do now!"

Silence was all that answered her back as an eerie and cold wind blew. However, a chuckle was soon heard in the distance before it burst into a loud and sinister laugh. Lucifer's voice was projected through the air as he replied back from inside his ship.

"Who said that there's nothing I can do now, Lucy?" Lucifer grinned. "Don't underestimate my ten years of effort. Though you may have destroyed the impurity and returned the undead to where they had come from, it's not enough to hinder my plans."

"Without rukh, there's nothing you can do," Lucy narrowed her eyes.

"Did you already forget, Lucy?" he laughed at how blind she was in this case. "When you were on this ship, I had already absorbed much of your magoi and rukh. With that amount, obtaining what I want is possible."

Lucy stared up at him, her hands balled into a fist. "You won't have your way, Lucifer. You may have the rukh in your hands but I am the one that ultimately controls them."

At that, Lucifer laughed.

"What's so funny?" Lucy asked with a fierce tone.

"I'm Lucifer, Lucy Heartfilia's one, and only disciple," he reminded her. "If you're able to control the rukh freely, then it obviously makes sense that I can do so as well. I am an embodiment of both black and white so controlling them is but a piece of cake. Lucy, this will be your loss."

Lucy widened her eyes. "Lucifer, you-!"

"I've long abandoned my human side but even so, that white rukh is still in me," Lucifer smirked. "As a half, there's nothing I can't do!"

Lucy gritted her teeth and glared up at him. "Even so, we're still going to stop you."

"I wonder about that," he said. "Final Judgement."

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