Chapter 19 - Popular

Start from the beginning

The microwave dinged, breaking the spell.

“Um, Cindy?” Naomi said. “You're squishing me.”

I laughed nervously and let her go. “Sorry. Guess it's just been one of those days.”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Naomi took the Hot Pockets out and slid them onto plates while I got forks from the silverware drawer.

We sat at the kitchen table. Naomi stabbed her Hot Pocket. Steaming marinara oozed onto the plate. My stomach clenched. I pushed my food away, feeling sick.

“Not hungry?” she asked.

“Not anymore. Hey, you know what? We should go downtown tomorrow. There's this cool new store I heard about. It's supposed to sell really cute outfits.” My plan was to trick her into hanging out with Faith, but Naomi shook her head.

“No way. The only stores downtown are skeevy secondhand places. I heard this one place had a bargain bin and some girl reached in and got jabbed with a used drug needle!”

“C'mon, please! This place isn't like that. Besides, it'll help cheer me up.”

“All right,” Naomi said, “but we gotta be out of downtown before dark, and I'm not sticking my hand in any bargain bins.”

My phone rang. “Oh my God!” I said. “It's Scott!”

“Don't pick up,” Naomi said. “Wait at least three rings, then act cool, but not too cool.”

I waited, silently counting off each ring, then answered. “Hi, Scott!”

“Hey, Blondie. Haven't seen you around much. I was wondering what's up?”

“Sorry,” I said. “I've been, like, super-busy and stuff.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I know how that goes. Anyway, we're still on for Saturday, right?”

“Totally! I'm really looking forward to it."

"Ooh!" Naomi teased in my ear. “I bet you are."

I poked her in the ribs, whispering that I was going to her room. When I got there, I shut the door and stretched out on her bed. I told Scott my parents might get divorced.

“That sucks,” he said. “The first one's the hardest. Believe me, I know how rough it can be. My dad's on his third marriage.”

I didn't know what to say about that, so I went for something bold, playful. “Anyway, I'm hoping you'll think of something to take my mind off things Saturday.”

“No worries.” Scott's voice turned low and seductive. “I've got a few ideas.”

Something fluttered inside me. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

Scott told me what he wanted to do to me, and what he said made me forget all about Mom and Dad. It even made me forget where I was, and I began telling him what I wanted to do to him . . .

Naomi opened the door. “Damn! Sounds like somebody's gonna have a good time this weekend.”

I said goodbye and hung up fast, cheeks burning with shame. “What did you hear?”

“Just enough to know our plan is working.”

I propped myself up on my elbows. “That's not funny, Naomi! And it's not a plan, it's my life. It sounds wrong when you talk about it like that.”

She shrugged. “I don't really know how else to say it. Being popular's our goal, and we need a plan to get there, right?”

“Well, yeah,” I said. “I just don't like calling it that.”

“What word would you like better?” Naomi asked. “Scheme? Strategy?”

I fidgeted, searching for the right word. “I don't know. Why do we have to call it anything?”

“Look,” she said, “I get your heart is involved—I do—and I don't want you to get hurt. I just want us both to find love.” She crossed to the window and looked out onto the darkening street. Rain was falling; it seemed like it would never stop.

I hugged her pillow to my chest. “I know it sounds dumb,” I said, “but I'm scared.”

Naomi turned from the window. “About what?”

“Of going too far with Scott, of getting caught by my parents, and don't even get me started on the Bitch Patrol. But I'm excited too. I guess I don't know what to feel.”

Naomi sat next to me. “It's a lot to deal with, but you can do this, all right? Keep Scott happy on your next date, but leave him wanting more. Then, if he invites you to Ted Timmons's Christmas party, that means you're official and our worries are over.”

What she said made sense, and I wanted to believe, but one nagging doubt remained. “What about the Bitch Patrol?”

“Trust me,” Naomi said. “Once we're in—once we're popular—they won't be able to do a thing. It'll be one endless summer of blue skies and bright sunny days . . .”

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© 2014 Jackson Dean Chase. All Rights Reserved.

Forever Dark: Book 1 of the Forever Dark SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now