Chapter 16 - In the Cards

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We drank beer and listened to music, talking about TV, movies, books, and poetry. It was awesome. Everything I couldn't discuss with Naomi, I could with Faith. After debating who was sexier in the '80s—Dave Vanian or Daniel Ash—I stood up and laughed. “I need another beer.”

“Grab one for me,” Faith said.

I went to the kitchenette and heard yowling from the alley below. I slid the window up and stuck my head out to get a better look, but it was too dark to see. The horrible cry came again, louder this time, becoming a hissing screech that ended all too soon.

I shut the window. A mindless fear in me screamed, "Run! You're not safe here. You're not safe anywhere!" My hands gripped the counter. I couldn't think, couldn't move, and when I closed my eyes, all I saw was red.

I leaned against the refrigerator, running a palm over my damp forehead. There was no reason to be scared. It was just a cat.

When I returned to the living room, Faith had lit five black candles and a stick of incense. Dense, perfumed smoke made lazy patterns in the stale air. She opened a purple drawstring bag and her beat-up old Rider-Waite tarot spilled onto the coffee table. “I thought we'd ask the cards about your love life.”

I sat down with our beers, a vague sense of excitement shivering through me. “All right. Let's do this.”

Faith gestured at the deck. “We'll use a seven-card relationship spread. When it's complete, it'll look like a big letter 'H' to represent your heart.”

“Yeah, I remember. I just hope this works.”

“It will. I've gotten a lot better at using my psychic intuition. Now think of your question while you mix the deck.”

I concentrated, picturing Scott's perfect face, his perfect smile as I spread the cards over the table's surface, mixing them, then gathering them into a neat pile. I shuffled and cut the deck.

Faith said, “When you're ready, ask your question, then place the top card in the upper left to form your half of the 'H'. This is how you see yourself.”

I asked, “Will Scott Carmichael fall in love with me?” then flipped the first card. It was one of the best I could have drawn. “I remember this one! The High Priestess represents water, the moon, and powerful female friends, right?”

Faith nodded. “Yeah, except you turned her over upside-down. A reversed card means the opposite. So instead of being a woman of power and wisdom, you see yourself as an outcast who wants more from life and is willing to risk anything to get it. This reckless pursuit will lead you to secrets best left unlearned . . .”

“Oh, come on! Are you serious? That is so unfair!”

“Don't sweat it. The cards can't be all bad. Put the next one in the upper right to start Scott's half of the 'H'. This represents how you see him.”

I turned it over.

“Hmm,” Faith said. “The Eight of Wands. Wands represent fire, and fire symbolizes creativity and will. The Eight represents swiftness. You see hanging out with Scott as the fastest possible way to get what you want.”

“You make it sound like I'm some kind of gold-digger.”

“I know you're not,” Faith said. “Anyway, the next card shows how you feel about Scott. Put it on your side of the 'H', under the High Priestess.”

I pulled the Two of Cups. “Cups represent water, right?”

“Yes,” Faith said, “and water symbolizes emotions and spirituality. The Two says you feel strongly about Scott. You see him as your one true love.”

Forever Dark: Book 1 of the Forever Dark SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now