"Goodmorning Laura, dad!" I said happily.

"Goodmorning Hoseok, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah! I slept like an angel." I said with a big smile, not wanting to worry my dad since I didn't sleep at all.

I sat down at the eating table and I ate my sandwich. I slipped my iPhone out of my jean pocket and scrolled through my Instagram. I had pretty many followers and I'm mostly known for my personality at school and my Instagram, ofcourse. I don't really do much, I just pose and someone takes pics for me.

I walked back upstairs and put my rats back into their cages, giving them more water.


7:30 ᗩ.ᗰ.

"Bye dad, bye Laura!" I said while giving them both a kiss on their forehead.

I put my earphones into my iPhone and put on some music. I lived kinda close to my school, I only had to cycle for a bit. I slipped my red dragon bomber jacket on and I slung my bag onto my back. I waved to my little sister and dad and gave them a soft smile while they smiled back.

I walked out of the door and closed it. I picked my bike and slipped my keys into it. I slowly stepped on my bike and began to cycle, moving my head to the music.


7:48 ᗩ.ᗰ.

I stepped of my bike and saw one of my friends, I waved at her.

"Yah! Hoseok~ah!!!"

Meet one of my best friends, the straight up, loud mouth, hot headed; Byeol.
She has black hair with dip dye that has the color red, she most of the time wore her hair in a bun or ponytail.

She ran to me, hugging me tightly.

"Well, hi to you too!" I giggled.

She waved her boyfriend who had a sweet personality but yet a rough look since he had piercings in his eyebrow and lip that most of the time weren't allowed {but he didn't give shits} and he had dark blue hair, like really dark but it looked good.

Oh and by the way, my friend group is the kind of group that's different from those really normal 'boring' kids. Not to be mean, I like all the people but we are different from them.

{I wanna give Hoseok a piercing somewhere! Please comment what would be a good place on the face. He already has one in his belly button but please comment on where he could get one in his face ;)) }

"Let's go find Binnie Oppa." Byeol said with a big smile while she hooked our arms together.

I smiled back and giggled; "Sure~"

"Binnie Oppa!!!" Byeol shouted through the school hallways.

I laughed and shushed her a little since I already felt that she was getting annoyed by not finding him.

I picked my iPhone out of my pocket and kakao talk-ed Binnie.

Bin Hyung, where are you?

Jealousy  ||⚣ ~NamseokWhere stories live. Discover now