1. How It All Started

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We were happy.

We were in love.

We were completely enjoying life.

We were newly weds, 23 years old, and only married for about 6 months. We had some debt here and there, but we managed. With both of us working, we could handle it.

We were content with the way everything was.

Little did I know, my world was about to make a 180.




"Hanna, We have to talk," my husband said as he came home from work. It was about 6 in the evening, and I was almost finished making dinner. He walked over to the laptop on the kitchen table.

"Is that good or bad? I asked.

"Bad," he replied his tone changing.

"Oh no. You found out that I burned a hole in your favorite shirt. I-"

"What?!?" He said looking mad and confused at the same time.

"Nothing," I said quickly. "Ok. I'm done with this. Let me put it to the side, "I said moving the hot pot to another burner to cool. "What's up?" I asked sitting beside him at the table.

He sat there not saying anything. I touched his back urging him to speak. "I lost my job," He said finally.

"What!?!" I couldn't believe it. The news just hit me. We were barely getting by before. What were we suppose to do now? "You told me you were getting a promotion with a raise. What happened?"

"They no longer need my services," he said looking down at his lap.

"You'll get another job Adam."

"Who's going to hire a 23 year old computer engineer in this town besides APC Inc.?"

"I'll ask around," I said trying to make him feel better.

"There's no use. We live in the smallest town in the state. All jobs are taken."

"My sisters company might be hiring. I could-"

"Stop," he said beginning to get frustrated.

Adam opened up the laptop, and went to the page where we manage our expenses. He was really concerned that we would fall further in debt, so he managed it often.

"Hanna," he started. "I don't know how we're going to get through the month." He kept imputing different numbers.

"What are you talking about? You said just 2 weeks ago we were fine."

"Yeah that was 2 weeks ago. That was one car crash and 2 pairs of designer shoes ago." He said looking at me.

"Umm... I can explain that. I... felt sad after crashing the car, and the shoes made me feel better." It wasn't a great excuse but it was the only thing I could come up with.

"We need some quick money. The bills are due in two weeks and we don't have the money." He didn't even acknowledge my excuse.

"Sell some drugs," I joked.

"That's not a bad idea," he smiled.

"Tell me your kidding Adam."

"One drop could give me enough money to pay the bills. I'll call up my buddy fr-"

"Please shut up," I laughed. I stood up and grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. "I could ask my parents for money," I suggested.

"We've asked them twice already." I knew he didn't like to accept money from others. He thought it made him less of a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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