21; The Bad Boy's Secrets

Start from the beginning

"You told me to stay away."

"Your birthday is an exception." He shrugs.

My jaw starts to ache as I press my teeth together. It almost feels like he's not trying to give me time to think and breathe. Why isn't he letting me forget him? I don't want him here because tomorrow we're going to go back to our old ways of ignoring each other.

Get away. Get away. Get out of my head. Get out of my sight.

"You don't seem too excited to see me."

Tell me he's joking. I'm ecstatic. The butterflies in my stomach are out of its cage, dancing around like I just won the lottery of the year. But I won't admit it, simply because I don't want him to know that every time he ignores me or avoids me, I still struggle to keep the urge to run to him and pull him close and kiss him.

Maybe he has moved on. Maybe he doesn't find it as hard as I do, but him coming here on the night of my birthday and then kissing me doesn't make it any easier for me. He might be used to it, but I'm not.

"I can't fucking do this," I whisper to myself as I cross my arms.

I don't know if he heard what I said, but he bends, pushing the burning cigarette onto the ground. The fire dies. He stands back up, putting the used cigarette into his jeans pocket.

My eyes are still glued on him as he turns his head to look at me. I feel my control start slipping so I half-heartedly turn around to head back inside the house. A hand shoots out, gripping my wrist to stop me from walking away.

"Don't touch me," I warn as I look at his slender fingers wrapped around my wrist. My hand looks so much smaller compared to his. He makes me feel little.

He tugs at my wrist and then pushes me against the garage door gently. I struggle to catch my breath as he rests his left hand beside my head. He then leans his other arm above my head. I feel caged, and I like it. I shouldn't like it, but somehow, I trust him enough to know that he wouldn't hurt me.

His green eyes burn into mine intensely. "You don't want me to touch you? I bet you're imagining my fingers inside of you right now. Or is it my tongue? Maybe my cock?"

I swallow, feeling my clit pulse. I almost feel ashamed that I feel this way. Rolling my eyes to seem unaffected, I push his chest away with my hands. He steps away without any resistance, and I feel a tinge of regret.

He smirks. "Come with me. I want to show you something."

"It's almost midnight."

"So? It's still your birthday, isn't it?"

"Why did you pick the last hour?" I find myself following him as we walk towards the street.

"Safety reasons."

"Safety reasons?"

"Yeah. Don't worry too much about it."

When we reach his motorbike I stop and watch him get on. I grab the helmet he hands me.

This reminds me of that time we went to McDonald's when my family invited him to dinner. That was approximately the time when I started developing feelings for Hunter.

It started slowly at first, but as time progressed on, I found myself liking him more and more. His actions and words aren't as hurtful anymore. Deep down, I wish it still was. Maybe then my feelings would gradually fade away.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I hop onto his motorbike. He turns, smiling when he sees my unsure face through the helmet glass.

"Just hold on to me."

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