t h r e e

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Alisa Finnie's Point of View

"So, who goes first?" Jamal questions with fear.  I laugh at him while deciding which victim is going to be numero uno. 

"Actually, Monse, why don't you start?" I smirk at my younger sibling.

She replies confidently, "Alright, okay, you asked for this, Alisa.  Truth or dare?" The question she asked has Jamal's body shivering.  

"Stop being so dramatic, J.  Let's switch this up," I glare at her with my chocolate brown eyes.  "Both."  I hear a gasp escape from Jamal's mouth.  I laugh hysterically until I am able to pick myself back up.  

"Okay then, first truth, do you love Ruby as much as he loves you?" 

Ruby then gets involved and is now interested in this twisted-devilish game.  "Yes, mi amor, do you love me?" 

My hands get clammy as I stutter to speak.  I couldn't bear to break his tiny corazón, so I lie.  Don't judge me, it's what I do best.  

"Of course, babe, I love you with all my heart." I smile while leaning over to peck my boyfriend on the lips.  At the corner of my eye, I see Cesar's face drop.

"Okay, stop with the PDA, disgusting as hell." Jamal calls out.  I chuckle a bit before getting ready for my dare. 

"Ali, Ali, Ali, your dare, 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'.  But, with Cesar." Monse leans back against the couch.  Wait, how did she know I like him?  Jamal.  Fuck it, when I get out of that closet, that little brown boy will not know what's coming.  

I smile sarcastically as I drag Cesar to the closet.  Before the door shut, Ruby paced back and forth.  He knew.  I knew.  Cesar knew.  Even Jamal knew what Monse was trying to get at.  But for what reason?  Why was she so upset with me?  Thoughts were pouring from my mind as the closet door shut.  

"Timer starts now!" Monse shouts.  I hear footsteps heading to the couch.  Cesar's breathing pace matched mine, heavy and slow.  

"Hey, tell me what's on your mind bebé?" He asks grabbing my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. 

"Monse, she's being off.  She's never like this and I have no idea why." 

"Don't worry about it, it's probably just stress from camp." Cesar tries to calm down while giving the back of my hand a kiss.  

I couldn't.  I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do this.  I let go of Cesar's hand and wrap my arm around his neck.  With my other hand, I pull him closer until our lips meet once again.  He returns the kiss as he cups my cheek.  

We both smile into the kiss and Cesar plays with the chain around my neck.  My hands make their way to his hair as they tangle his 'perfect' hair-do.  

His lips let go of mine, just so he can leave besitos around my jaw to my neck.  I bite my lip, trying not to let moans escape my mouth when he sucks on my so called, 'sweet spot'.  

Cesar's lips curl into a tiny smirk against my neck.  Just then, the door opens as we push each other away and jump a bit.  Monse's face is 'questionable', as one might say.  

"Seven minutes is up, pendejos." My sister tells us while walking away.  Cesar quickly fixes his hair and we walk out. 

"Nothing happened, estúpidos." I ignore all eyes on us.  

"Cesar, you got a little gloss on your lips." Jamal says looking deeper.  

I roll my eyes pushing Jamal off his seat.  The gang was looking at each other, communicating through looks.  

"Ruby, you go." Monse says breaking the silence.  I smile as I interlock our arms.  

The game went on and on, no drama.  I was quite surprised, but maybe it was just Monse still upset about writing camp.  

~ After the Game ~

Truth or dare was finally over.  Trust me, it was fun but there were still a few silent glares here and there.  Jamal had gone home a few minutes ago.  I'm in the kitchen, as always, hungry as hell.  

"Ruby, I want food!" I whine.  He playfully rolls his eyes as he gets me a salad from the fridge.  I stare at the food while he tries handing it to me.  "Are you calling me fat?" I pretend to cry.  

"No, baby, you're perfectly fit and you said you were hungry.  It's the only thing we have right now.  You're not fat." He apologizes.  I laugh at his sweet attempt to cheer me up.  "Huh, babe, are you okay?  You were literally crying not even a minute ago."  

"I'm fine, I was joking." I drag out as I grab the salad from his tiny arms.  I sit at the table about to eat my salad and I remembered, I forgot a fork.  I was going to get up until Ruby came over placing a fork in my bowl.  "Thanks, loser." 

Monse loudly sighs, distracting my hungry ass stomach from getting some food.  

"Alisa, I'm heading home now." She yells standing up.  I reply with an 'okay'.  "Are you going to come?" Monse asks.

"I'll walk home with Cesar, don't worry." 

"Now you're making me worry." Ruby groans placing his head against the table.  I pat his back until he sits up straight.  

"Monse, just go.  I'll be fine, plus we're still at Ruby's." 

My sister finally gets out of the house, letting me eat my leaves.

"Mi amor, I'm tired," Ruby tells me getting out of his seat.  "I'll be in my room, buenas noches."  He says kissing the top of my head.  I hear the door shut and Cesar walks over to the table.

"Lissy, hurry up." Cesar says with a smile creeping onto his lips.  I finish the rest of my food and rinse it out in the sink.  

"Okay, let's go." I say locking arms with my best friend.  

He opens the door to reveal an almost pitch black sky.  

"Sleep at mine." Cesar blurts out.  I raise my eyebrow with a questioning look.  "Stay the night at my place, just because it's the last day before you leave.  I just want to spend the night with my best friend." 

I pretend to think before jumping onto his back.  "Forward, my trusty stallion." I smile resting my head on Cesar's shoulder.  We move and move until a sudden stop.  I lift my head and open my eyes to reveal Cesar's house.  

Walking in, with me still on Cesar's back, we head to his bedroom.  He rummages through clothes and hands me a pair of sweats and a black tank-top.  He turns around, giving me privacy to change.  I take off my jeans and slip into the grey, comfy sweatpants. 

Then, I carefully take off my shirt and throw it at Cesar.  He turns around to see me still not changed.  It's not like he hasn't seen my bra before, but that was when I could hold my urges to not kiss him.  

Cesar looks me up and down, coming towards me.  I was thinking he was coming for a kiss or something, but no!  He throws me onto the bed and tickles me.

I giggle over and over until he stops.  Cesar starts kissing me, chest to neck, neck to jaw, jaw to mouth.  We were both deep into the kiss before we stopped, to look at each other.  

I'll let you imagine what's next, or maybe not. 


tysm!  100 to 300 reads is a lot for me, especially since my usual stories don't jump that much.  i'm glad so many of you enjoy this story :) 

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