A Smol Green Irishman For Dessert-2

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Mark's POV:
I can't believe it. He's coming here. Jack is coming to my house. Every other time he's come to L.A he always stayed in a hotel but this time he's staying with me! I run around the house tidying everything I find even the slightest thing out of place, this needed to be perfect.

Okay yes, I like Jack, but it's obvious he only sees me as a friend. Nevertheless (love that word) I still had the need to make everything look perfect, just for him. He's been to my house before, but today he was going to have a lot more time to notice anything wrong.

I check the time, 10:45. With a sigh I trudge my way to my room and flop down on my bed. I had told Jack I would go to bed 45 minutes ago and honestly I felt kind of bad for lying to him. I knew he was going to be here around midday tomorrow and cleaning sort of helped me de-stress.

I crawled under the blankets and laid with my eyes open and Jack on my mind. I was helplessly falling for this lil' Irishman and it drove me crazy knowing he could never feel the same. Being emotionally exhausted, I fell asleep.

~time skip to 11:30 am the next day~

Jack's POV:
I'm almost there.. oh my gosh I'm almost there. I look out the window and smile as we are descending down into the lovely city of L.A. Just down there, was Mark. Sweet beautiful Mark.

"As you can see passengers we have turned the seatbelt light on so if you can please return to your seats, and welcome to L.A. We hope you had a great flight and thank you for flying with International Airlines. Baggage claim will be located at number 4, and have a nice day." The pilot's scratchy intercom voice said.

The plane thudded as we hit the ground and we slowed to a stop. I unclipped my seatbelt then quickly stood up before all others and exited the plane with a quick thank you to the pilot.

Just the thought of Mark waiting for me was enough to fill me with energy and joy even though I had been up most of the night.

Before I could even reach baggage claim I was enveloped into a crowd of people. Desperately I stood on my tip-toes to try and see Mark. However I was just too short and people were too crowded. I have no other choice.

Mark's POV:
I scan the quickly growing crowd hoping to see any glimpse of green hair. Then, out of nowhere, I hear;
"SPEED IS KEY!!" In an Irish accent.
"BOOPER DOOPER!!" I yell in return, making my way to the cause of the sound.

Thats when it happened, I see him. He's there, he's as gorgeous as ever.
"JACKAROONIE!!!!" I practically scream while almost pushing people over to reach him. His head turns and his sky blue eyes light up.
"MARKIMOO!!!" He screams. We make our way to each other and collide in massive hug. He felt so warm, so much like comfort, I never wanted the hug to end.

Jack's POV:
The instant we connected our bodies I received the best smell ever. Mark smelled like the woods, with a hint of apple.

Eventually we broke apart leaving me with a slightly pink face. I laughed and he laughed too. His laugh. Don't even get me started on his laugh.
"How've ya been ya goof?" I asked, catching my breath.
"Super excited for PAX and to see you! What about you?" Mark's eyes lit up when he said that.
"Pretty much the same." I chuckled and made my way over to baggage claim.

We exchanged in pleasant, laughter filled conversation when my bright green bag rolled out. Ya couldn't mistake it for anyone else's.

I reach for my bag but Mark beats me to it. His muscles flex as he pulls my bag up and I can't help but stare. He takes notice.
"Jack, you okay?" He says with a bit of a concerned look on his face.
Suddenly I snap out of my trance.
"Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah, sorry. I guess I'm just tired." Nervously I rubbed the back of my neck and I could feel my cheeks get hot.

Mark's POV:
I scanned the Irishman's small figure in front of me, a bit concerned. I shrugged it off and looked to his face with a smile. Were Jack's cheeks... pink?

No that's ridiculous... he can't be blushing. Its just the hot weather here. Yeah, thats it. It's scalding today.

I break my eyes away from Jack and start walking to my car with Jack and Jack's bag following me.

When we reach my car I go around back to put Jack's bag in and he gets in the passenger seat.

Jack's POV:
That was odd. Mark just kind of paused for a second? He looked confused... I wonder if he's okay.

Mark hopped into the car with the dopiest smile ever and I chuckled. As we drove to his house we made terrible dick jokes and exchanged funny stories. I laugh my hardest when I'm with him.

Okay, yes I know there's no smut in this chapter AGAIN. But I promise you the next chapter will be smut. Bye lovelies!

Septiplier SmutOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora