Moving in

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       It was sunny today, the bed was shining and warm from the sun. Jack had his arms wrapped around me. I glanced at my ring on my finger. It was not a dream. When Jack woke up we both went to the kitchen to get something for breakfast. Jack and I made some delicious pancakes. I set the table for two and we sat down to eat. I felt like all of the events of our marriage was a dream, I kept glancing at my ring telling myself it was not a dream. The pancakes tasted amazing.

      After breakfast I helped Jack pack up and put it in the moving van, I taped the boxes up and brought them to the truck while Jack packed.

     It took almost all day but finally we were dine loading it in. We drove to the farm and went straight to bed, it was getting late, we were going to unpack everything tomorrow.

      The next day we unloaded everything in the truck. We sold both our beds and bought a queen sized with some new bed sheets and unpacked everything else. Jack started in the bedroom unloading everything there, then in the bathroom, then the barn and finally the kitchen. It was tiring but we were done, Jack drive the truck back to the rentals while I drove my truck behind him. Then we went to bed.

      Today was the last day of moving, we headed to Jacks old house and picked up Kit Kat, all his tack was already in the barn at home except for his halter and lead. We loaded Kit Kat into the trailer and started to drive home. Lucky sat in the middle seat between me and Jack. We talked a lot on the way there.

      Then when we arrived home we layed down some hay in the stall where Kit Kat would spend the rest of his life. Kit Kat seemed to like spending his time with his new friends Lucky and Midnight. It had been a three days full of work and finally we could rest now. We watched a movie with some popcorn that night and finally fell asleep in bed together. Lucky even came to join us at then end of our new bed. His new usual spot.

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