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      Today Jack was acting extra nervous I did not know why but we were going to go on another date. It had been about three years since we became boyfriend and girlfriend. I got dressed and fed Lucky. Then I also fed Midnight and stuck him in the trailer. I guess our date today was another trail ride. I got into the truck with Lucky and drove to a place just outside of Jorvik. I was a little early this time. Jack arrived a few minutes after me. He seemed very very nervous for some reason...

      We mounted Midnight and Kit Kat, this time bareback. Lucky followed behind me. The place was beautiful. I reminded me a little of the peregrine trail but still a bit different. There was kit's of wild life there. Deer, birds and much much more. We rode for hours and hours. Later on we stopped in a large clearing in the woods. It was amazing. I felt Jack tense as he dismounted Kit Kat. I wondered what he was so nervous about... I dismounted Midnight and stood beside him looking up at the blue cloudless sky. Jack then pulled out a small box from his pocket and kneeled on the ground. He said my full name as well.

"Amy Jane Fox, we have been together for a while...a...and...I...I live the of life with you...Amy...W...Will you...m...marry me?" Jack asked

      I stood there shocked holding my hands over my mouth, My eyes grey wide and I sat there shocked.

" will marry you....Jack." I said

      I felt Jack lose all of his nervous feeling and grew happy. He put the engagement ring on my finger and kissed me.

"I love you Amy." He said

"I love you too Jack." I responded happilly

     So then we were going to get married eventually. I was excited. We mounted our horses and talked as we rode back to the trailer.

                                        1 year later

       It had been one year since Jack proposed to me, today was the day...the day to get married. I had bought a dress last week. I took a shower and heard a knock at the door. It was Vanessa, she was going to be one of my bridesmaids. Two of my other friends were coming too.

"Hi Amy, you ready for the big day?." She asked

"Nervous, but so ready." I responded

"Good." She responded

      Vanessa came in and did a beautiful style in my hair.

"You all look lovely." Jack said

"Just wait till I get the dress on." I said

      Jack smiled

"You will look amazing." He said

      We gave Midnight and Lucky a bath, braided Midnight mane and tail and put a small dog sized tuxedo on Lucky. Then I got I put the dress in a bag and put it in the truck. Then we loaded Midnight and Lucky in and drove off to the wedding area. We had picked a good place at the place where Jack proposed, in the clearing in the woods.

      When we arrived I got dressed into my dress and Jack got into his tuxedo in the bathroom and we drove the rest of the way to the clearing. The place already was beautiful, it had already been  set up. My bridesmaids got dressed into there dresses too. We all looked lovely. One of my friends already had a child, she was the one being the flower girl. Soon when we were all ready the ceremony started. Everyone sat down and the priest stood at the very end with Jack. The flower girl threw the flowers, the piano player started playing and I began walking down the aisle.

      When I arrived at Jack he had prepared a speech for me.

"Today I am going to spend the rest of my life with my lovely soon to be wife Amy. She is the one and only one I love. I would marry no other people then her" Finally when he was done we got married. "I love you Amy, and I can't wait to be with you." Jack said

      I smiled, the priest began to say his speech and then one of Jacks friends came with the rings. Jack put my ring on my finger and I put his on for him, the we kissed and we were now husband and wife.

      We both cut the cake together and all of us ate the cake, it was yummy. We did plenty of games and other things until we were done the wedding. I was going to go to Jack's house and help him pack up until he could move in with me. We decided to move in to my farm house with Kit Kat, Finally Midnight would have a horse friend. We put the horses back in the trailer and drove to Jack's house.

      We both got into our PJ's and slept together in his bed. This had been a good wedding.

MidnightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ