He looked away as she smiled, smiled at him. "How do you think you did on the math test?"

He didn't say anything as he continued to ignore her. She already knew that he wasn't interested. Yet like always, she was desperate for his attention.

"I'm hopping I passed. My mom is going to be so mad if I get another C. But I don't understand anything with Algebra."

"Ryan?" She nervously looked at him. He turned, facing her, hazy red eyes and drunk lips.

Ryan shook his head, wanting to tell her to fuck off just as Lucas walked up to him, sitting down next to him on the couch, whispering.

"I got the stuff in my room. If you want to try something else that is." Smirking and still ignoring Karissa, Ryan stood up, following Lucas to his room.

He needed anything, something, whatever it was. He needed something that would make him feel good.

Three Years Later

Ryan slowly sat up, pushing his blanket aside. He looked up as his bedroom door opened as his sister walked in with a cup of water and a few tablets in her hands.

He didn't say anything as she placed the glass on the nightstand, her lower lip trembling.

Almost hesitantly she turned, staring back at him before looking at the pills in her hands.

She threw the pills at him, not even offering them to him before jumping onto his bed and hitting him, her small fists colliding against his chest.

He pushed her away, to the side, his breathing heavy as everything was still a little hazy.

"What the fuck, Mira."

He didn't say anything, simply staring at her, hazy vision as her eyes filled with tears.

"Where were you last night?" Her voice, a whisper.

"A party." He rubbed his eyes, licking his dry lips before slowly standing up. He looked around his room, grabbing a red t-shirt.

"Karissa dropped you off at three in the morning."

Ryan sighed, staring at his messy reflection in the mirror before facing his sister again.

"I was drunk." Ryan gave his sister a soft smile, a partial truth.

"Is that all?"

He licked his lips, unsure of what to say next. Her eyes filled with disappointment and he quickly looked away, still not answering her question.

"You promised me you were going to stop smoking." Her voice faded away at the end as she stood up, standing a few feet away from him.

"I did. I haven't smoked a cigarette in three days now." It was almost an accomplishment, almost.

"You reeked of weed last night."

"I...Mira, come on. I needed something." He started at his sister, hollow eyes before shrugging. He ran a hand through his hair, a little hungover.

"Something? Ryan." Her lips trembling as she stared at him. He was a mess, he knew that. "You need help. You.." Mira took a small step towards him, stepping on the gray jacket, one of the many pieces of clothing he had thrown across his room.

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