Chapter 32

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James pressed the gas to the floor as they made their way to Danny's location. He was sweating bullets as he hit the steering wheel, "Fuck!! Fucking bitch! Piece of shit!"

Cyrus leaned back in his seat in fear as they ran through another red light.


Marie threw up her hands to Rose, "Fuck this! I know I'm mean, but I'm not a murder. You said we would just scare them out of town."

Rose rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine!"

Marie sighed with relief as she closed her eyes. They quickly snapped open when Rose spoke again, "I'll do it myself."

Marie's face snapped to Rose, only to have it smashed with her bat. Bianca squinted at the sound of the thud and made a "Oh" face.

Rose giggled as she placed her hand on her hip and the bat on her shoulder, "Who's next?"

Danny's head shook furiously as she strutted to him. She raised her bat above her head to crush his skull, but stopped when Bianca spoke, "Pussy!"

Rose rolled her eyes as she turned to Bianca, "What now?"

"You.. are.. a .. nasty.. coward.. Meaning.. Pussy!"

"Coward huh?"

Bianca tapped her feet with excitement as she bit her lip, "Yep!"

Rose was disappointed in her lack of fear, "What if I took a swing at that stomach of yours?"

Bianca's smile eased, "Why don't you kill me like a real woman should?"

Rose cocked an eyebrow, "Yeah? How's that?"

Bianca held back her fear as though she was possessed, "Use your fucking hands!"

Rose scoffed at her answer, "Alright then."

Danny banged his chair against the floor for her to stop. Rose glared him as she pointed her knife at him. He stopped as he sobbed. Bianca's chest heaved as Rose got closer. She giggled as she leaned down to Bianca, "Well, anything to say?" Bianca shrugged her shoulders and immediately head butted Rose, knocking her off her balance and towards her.

The words of Vivian ran through her mind, "Did you know the human mouth has 269 pounds of biting pressure?"

Bianca's eyes widened and sank her teeth into Rose's throat. Rose screamed out in pain and instantly raised her knife and stabbed Bianca's shoulder. Bianca sunk her teeth deeper out of anger and pain. She could feel warm thick liquid flow into her mouth. Rose screamed out again and stabbed her again. Bianca screamed in her mind, "Don't let go until one of us is dead!" She pressed her eyes as she felt Rose stab her again but with less force. Again, stabbed but less and less. Bianca lost count of how many times she was stabbed but managed to hold on. Rose finally lost consciousness and slumped over her. Bianca finally released her bite and turned her head to the side. She roughly nudged Rose off of her and spit all of the blood that had pooled into her mouth. She looked to a petrified Danny and sighed.

Danny watched as she did one long blink after another. Bianca looked to him for a brief second before she closed her eyes. Danny banged his chair to wake her up, but she didn't move. He tried again as he sobbed. He then desperately tried to scream her name through his gag. She didn't move at all. Danny never felt such fear and pain.
James busted into the metal building as his eyes frantically searched for Bianca and Danny. He then looked down at the app and followed the location of Danny's GPS. When they reached a locked door. They both nodded three times and James kicked in the door. Both men's mouths dropped as they took in the scene. Danny was sobbing, all three women were knocked out or dead, and blood was all over the two sisters. James pointed to Danny as he ran to Bianca, "Get him outa here!"

Cyrus ran to the frantic teenager and freed him. Danny sobbed as Cyrus lead him out, "Bianca?!" He looked to Cyrus, "Is she going to be okay..?" Cyrus just nodded as he glanced to her with doubt.

After he checked her pulse, James couldn't cut her release fast enough. He growled as he cut through the thick ropes. Finally she slumped forward as he cradled her. The police and ambulance were already on their way, but it seemed like forever for them to arrive. All he could do was sit and rock her while running his hands through her hair. He started to cry when all the memories he had of her came flooding back.

The first time he ever saw her,
"Sixteen! Oh, where are you?!"

The day they danced at his engagement party, "Thank you for talking to Danny."

The day he took her virginity, "Your so damn beautiful."

The day he broke her heart when her father discovered her pregnancy, "I thought you were better than this.."

Next was when he saved her from Martin, "James?! Is that you?"

He started to sob at the memory of his introduction of the twins, "Met baby and, Baby B."

Then the last one came of her saying yes to his proposal, "I plan on making you happy and keeping you that way.. She hugged him tighter, "You already do.."

His dazed ended when he heard a slight groan coming from Rose. His eyes widened as she slightly moved. His eyes spotted her knife and he gently laid Bianca down and eased a handkerchief out of his pocket  to grab it. Roses eyes eased open and found James hovering over her. She tried to scream but he plunged the knife into her neck wound and twisted it. She slightly gurgled and stopped breathing. James laid the knife where he found it and cradled Bianca once again.

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