twenty-three; a double date.

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chapter twenty-three!
( a double date. )

THE ENTIRE DAY at school was filled with nothing but talk on the upcoming valentine's day dance.

each time i heard of it, my eyes rolled even closer to the back of my head.

it was now the end of 4th period, the second to last class of the day, and if you were to take a shot each time someone said "valentine's day dance", you would've been drunk off your ass.

"god, i'm so tired of hearing about that stupid dance!" i exclaimed to sadie and sophia once we all were crowded at my locker for the five minutes we had between class.

"same. my ears are bleeding from hearing it so much," sophia agreed.

"i don't know, guys. maybe it's not that bad! maybe we'll all get dates and look all pretty and stuff," sadie stated, making sophia and i give her a look.

"you two, maybe. me, not so much. you guys have someone to go with. i have myself," sophia said. it was now my and sadie's turn to give her a look.

"what? it's true."

"is not, soph. you always turn guys down when they ask you to go out," i spoke honestly, closing my locker swiftly and following them to last period.

sophia mumbled something about boys that i didn't hear, so i shrugged it off.

the three of us made our way to the class, before i was stopped frantically by wyatt.

sadie and sophia made their way to class while we talked, telling me that we'd continue our conversation later.

"hey, wy! what's up, love?" i smiled to my panicking best friend.

"i'm freaking out, millie. jaeden and i have a date tonight!" he exclaimed, making me squeal from excitement.

"so you guys talked about your feelings?!" i asked excitedly.

he pursed his lips. "well... uh, not exactly. we're going on a double date... but not actually as eachother's date. he's taking gracie and i'm taking my friend lulu... who jaeden thinks is my girlfriend," he explained sheepishly, giving me an awkward look.

i cracked up at this, before hearing the one minute warning bell.

"well, you're a dork, wyatt. but, i'll come to your house after school and help you get ready. until then, wy guy," i winked with a light chuckle, walking into my last period.


after class was over, sadie, sophia, and i  made our way to my locker, where wyatt was waiting on me.

"hey, wyatt!" sophia and sadie greeted in unison.

"hey!" he smiled back, before turning to me.

"you driving us?"

"yeah, but don't you have your license, wyatt? like, i don't think i've ever seen you drive to school. ever," i giggled along with sadie and sophia.

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