eighteen; and wyatt said.

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chapter eighteen!
( and wyatt said. )

"SO WHAT DOES this make us?" finn looked up at me from the swing, his beautiful image shining in my eyes, which were basically the shape of hearts.

"i don't know, finn. what- what do you want us to be?" i asked nervously, a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks.

"well, i want to be able to scream out to the world that you, millie, are my girlfriend. you're beautiful. you're perfect. and i want you to be one more thing- mine. can you do that for me?" finn said smoothly, his signature smirk upon his face.

if i wasn't blushing before this, i definitely was now.

i was flabbergasted. the finn wolfhard wanted me to be his girlfriend.

"but what will the others think?" i smiled, but that quickly faded at the thought of our group.

"they'll accept it. they have to, don't they? it's not exactly up to them, mills. it's up to you and i. so forget the rest and just be with me, millie," he grabbed my small hands into his larger ones and smiled to me.

how can you resist such a smile?

"you're right. yes, i'll be your girlfriend," i responded, his smile forming into a large grin as he brought me into a hug.

"and millie?" he breathed out.


"can you do me one more thing?" he still held me in his arms. "yes, of course," i stated against his chest. 

"can you wake up?"

"what?" i brought myself from his arms.

"wake up."

"wake. up."

"damn it, millie! get the fuck out of bed!"

my eyes shot open to reveal sadie shaking me and sophia standing behind her.

my head was pounding and the room was spinning. oh, god. please don't tell me i got drunk...

i looked around my room, seeing that i was in my bed and finn was nowhere to be found.

"how'd i get here? is finn okay? where is he?" i asked, getting two now very familiar smirks at the mention of finn.

yes, i fucking like him. we kissed, for god's sake! get over it!

"yeah, he's cool. he's probably in jack's room. you got like, high as balls and wouldn't stop asking finn if he would be your girlfriend, and you thought it was the funniest shit because you'd say girlfriend instead of boyfriend. but, he brought you up here and you fell asleep, apparently. at least that's what he told us when we came up here for bed and asked him what the fuck he was doing," sadie explained with a chuckle.

i put my head in my hands and groaned.

"damn it. i embarrassed myself. did he at least agree to being my girlfriend?" i joked, making the two of them bust with laughter.

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