nineteen; puffy eyes.

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chapter nineteen!
( puffy eyes. )
third person

A WEEK HAD passed since jack had his party, since jaeden and gracie had went on their first date, since sadie and jack confessed their feelings, and since millie and finn shared their first and second kiss.

school had came back around, carly wasn't at school; she had o.s.s for the next two weeks. millie, however, was spending her first day back at school in the i.s.s hall that finn was so fond of.

the bell for second period had already rang, but millie sat in the same spot she was in for first period.

there wasn't a teacher there for second period, so millie sat there on her phone. she had all of her busy work already finished, and wouldn't get any more until after lunch. lunch would be the only time she could hang out with her friends.

she groaned loudly, not thinking anyone was in the hall. she was wrong.

she heard shuffling from the dark hallway, trying her best to see who was there with the one extremely dim light coming from the opened door and down the seemingly never ending hallway.

"if you're skipping class, don't worry. i'm the only person here," she yelled, annoyed.

a laugh was heard, one that was extremely familiar to her.

"i forgot you had i.s.s, you scared the shit out of me." finn walked into the only room with a light in it and sat next to his crush.

"oh, what? don't wanna get caught skipping class?" millie smirked, making finn let out a chuckle.

"not at all. why don't you have a teacher? isn't this supposed to be punishment?" finn looked around the room.

"oh, trust me, being here with you is punishment enough," millie joked. finn looked at her with wide eyes and his mouth in the shape of an '0'.

"you're dead, brown," finn got up from his seat beside of her to moving in front  of her, a smirk present on his lips.

"nuh uh," millie said stubbornly with a giggle.

finn didn't say anything, but moved quickly to millie and ran his fingers all across her waist, tickling her.

she yelped.

"s-stop... hahahaha.. quit! fuh-finn!" she said between fits of laughter.

he chuckled along with her as she fell into the floor, kicking and squirming as she lay on her back, his hands still running against all of her ticklish spots.

"finn! okay, i-i'm sorry! hahah!" she tried desperately to get the boy away from her.

he finally quit, but only to fall completely on top of her and laying there.

"oh, god, finn. get off, you fat ass!" she exclaimed, exhausted.

"no," he giggled like a child, making millie join in.

"seriously, get off!" she complained, making finn give her his signature smirk.

"okay," he said, getting up, but returning to tickling her, but more so than before.

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