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"Ughh!" I groaned. "Where is he?!" I sat inside Jonghyun's treehouse, waiting for his head to pop out of the entrance or for the sound of his husky voice; it had only gotten huskier each year. I lazily sat up and crawled my way to the entrance, only to be "greeted by", yet again - No one. Frustrated, I gave in to my own impatience and began to climb down the built-in ladder. 

"Stupid dino," I muttered as I stomped across the backyard. "Stupid Jjong," I said as I rounded the bend to go over my house, which was right across his. 


"Arisa-chi?" A sweetfully familiar voice reached my ears. I whirled around, only to see Mrs. Kim with letters in her hand. She smiled at me, just like any mom would. Technically, she's my mom, since I'm Jonghyun's best friend. She had always been kind to me and today was no different. 

"Eomma," I rushed over and hugged her. I wanted to hug her because she always smelt like peaches and strawberries, oddly how Jonghyun smelled like sometimes, but still. It was like she ate a strawberry or peach everyday. However, I knew it was just my imagination because it was really the handsanitizer and handsoaps which she bought from "Bath and Body Works" which was located in a mall out of town.

"Strawberries and peaches," I whispered. 




"Hey Jjong! You know I got a—" I took a whiff of something... Jonghyun? "Jjong... Why do you smell like fruits?" I asked suspicously. 

"Me?" Jonghyun gave me a snide smirk. "Oh yeah... It's strawberries and peaches. Eomma wants me to use it so I'll be 'clean,'" He groaned with a roll of his eyes. He showed me the sanitizer, which was dressed in a plain 'case' which could be used as a keychain. 

"Waah! Cool!" I whispered. "Can I try some?" I held out my hand to him. He latched the sanitizer open and squeezed a drop into my hand. Tiny bits of blue dotted the pink-ish 'gel' and I just held it. 

"You're supposed to rub your hands together," He said. "Not just stare at it."

I rubbed my hands as I was told and when I turned my palms over I was surprised. "Jjong!" I suddenly shouted which made him cringe. 

"What is it this time, Risa?" He asked, annoyed. 

"Where did the blue specks go? They just disappeared!" I said in awe and turned to him for an answer.

Jonghyun just smiled before going back to playing his guitar. I waited for an answer, but he went on and sang instead. His fingers plucked the strings gracefully and his husky voice accompanied it perfectly. It was calming to hear him sing. I closed my eyes and lay my head down on his lap. I almost drifted off to sleep, it was his bony legs which stopped me from doing so. How come he coudn't have been soft and fluffy as a pillow? I peeked open my eyes and he was still singing. He was singing some song I didn't know, but I hummed along.

"Smells like peaches and strawberries," I whispered before I eventually fell asleep. 






"Eomma," I finally broke myself from the hug and shook my head from the memory. "I'm looking for Jonghyun. Did he go out somewhere?" 

"Go out?" She smiled. "No, Risa. He's in his room packing his things."

"Is he going on a vacation without me again?" I pouted playfully and crossed my arms. 

"He hasn't told you yet?" Jonghyun's eomma looked surprised. "Dear, he's going to the Jaesaeng music school next week! I thought—" 

"Thanks eomma! That's all I needed to know," I dashed past her and rushed inside. I skipped two steps on the stairs nimbly and burst into his room.

"Risa?!" Jonghyun looked up from playing guitar, which was a familiar sight for me. My eyes brimmed with tears as I rushed towards him. I pushed his guitar aside and grabbed him in for a hug, practically squeezing his chest. One tear slid down my red cheeks and onto his shirt. We just sat there for a moment, and I held onto him like my life depended on it. Eventually, he hugged me too and stroked my hair softly. 

"You didn't tell me, but you're leaving next week," I looked up at him sadly.

"I'm sorry," was all he said. I embraced him tighter, which made him take my hands from the grip. I wiped my eyes quickly. I hated to cry in front of Jonghyun, even though he wasn't afraid to cry in front of me. I eyed him carefully and I could tell that he was gonna let the tears fall any moment. 

"Which school is it?" I tried changing the topic for the better. I sat criss-cross in front of him.

"Jaesaeng music school. It's all the way in Seoul. It's a boarding school as well." 

"B-boarding school?" I stuttered and my eye felt like welling up again. I sniffled and tried to suppress my sadness. 

"Yeah..." Jonghyun began slowly, trying to sort out his thoughts too. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner... I guess I didn't want to believe that I was leaving this place. That was I leaving you," He said this line more painfully slowly and looked at me regretfully. Then it came — the tears. Hot tears fell down his face and I only drew him close again for another hug. This time, it was him holding onto me tightly. He sobbed into my shoulder and his tears wet my hair a little. He shuddered in his sadness and I just rubbed his back like a baby. I'll admit it, yes, I cried a little too because in a matter of days, we would no longer see each other.   

It seemed like forever until his crying died down a little and he parted from me. I laughed a bit. He looked so ugly everytime he cried and today was no different. His eyes puffed up and his lips swelled because he bit them, which was an act in trying to calm himself. It was an old habit he developed from his elder sister, who was five years older and in college next year. 

"It's fine, Jonghyun. Didn't you always want to go to that school?" I assured. "Just have fun and be happy." 

"I'll try," He muttered and wiped his eyes. "How do I have fun and be happy without you?" He implied childishly. Seriously, I know we've been together since we were born, but I pity that Jonghyun didn't have and close friends other than me. He was very awkward with other people, not to mention other kids our age — Especially girls. Even in school, he always clung to me. 

"Make friends— It'll be fun," I cracked a smile. 

"What about you? What highschool will you be going to after eighth grade?" He asked. 

"Jjong, I'm still eleven. I don't have to think about those things until next year," I reasoned and shrugged. "I'll be fine."

"Then I'll make friends and do my best!" He tried to sound enthusiastic. "If I do good, I can visit, you right? Then, hwaiting!~" He pumped his fist and beamed,  yet all I did was stare at him contently. Every day he's growing older and every day he's growing taller than me. Every day his face is changing little by little, but what hasn't changed was his smile. 


"Nothing Jjong... It's just that you're still the same..." I tried to push back my tumbling emotions. Then my face lit up in a smile and I decided to lighten the mood. The last thing I wanted was for the both of us to cry again.

"But, you smell like strawberries and peaches still!" 


Bonjour! (Keke, French. :3) Sorry for not releasing this sooner (I didn't see that it was on hide OTL). Anywayyy, I hope you liked this update! <3 Sorry for the long wait. >.< I wonder what happened to Jonghyun and Arisa... Did they drift apart or..? Well, that's for you to find out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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