When Lucy arrived in Edmund's room, Peter and Susan were sitting by his bed.

'Good, you're all here!' She called out. 'You will never guess what happened.'

Susan frowned upon her little sister's enthusiasm, while Peter looked at her in confusion. Edmund on the other hand smiled. He knew how hard it had been on his sister, she had been so sad and lifeless lately, that to him anything which could make her smile was a good thing.

'What's going on Lu?' He asked. It sounded as if every word he spoke tired him out, but he still smiled.

Lucy recalled what happened and handed the note to Peter who read it out loud, with surprised eyes.

'You can come to Narnia, Lucy. You can save him. Your cordial is lost, but his illness won't exist in Narnia. He can be saved if Edmund is willing to live his life in Narnia, never to return... All 4 of you can come back, but he has to decide...' Peter looked up at Susan, and then at Edmund.

'This can't be.' Susan breathed. 'Who could have sent it?'

'Aslan of course.' Peter smiled. He turned to his brother. 'What do you think Ed?'

Edmund looked at all his siblings. 'I don't want to die... but I don't want to hurt mother and father. They can't come along... I won't do it if they don't want me to...'

Lucy opened her mouth to protest, but was stopped by a look from Peter. 'I'll go get them then, we can tell them about it.'

It was no surprise to any of them that their Parents could not believe the story they told. Their father thought the story was incredibly exciting, but could not be real. Their mother was just flabbergasted. In the end, she called the professor, expecting him to tell her about the wild stories her children had made up to pass the time out there in the countryside. Instead he told her about his own time in Narnia as a child, and how the wardrobe which transported people the magical land, was built from a tree, grown from a Narnian apple. She returned to the room, more dumbfounded than ever before.

'Why are you even telling us about a children's story?' she asked. 'Your brother is ill, why does this matter?'

'It matters because his illness won't exist in Narnia. He can live his life there. A full and healthy life, but he will never be able to return. Because if he does, he will still die.' Peter calmly explained. 'The 4 of us, we can go back there, if Edmund decides he wants to, but he says he does not want to, unless you give him your blessing.'

'No!' His mother called out. While at the same time his father whispered; 'Go.'

Mrs. Pevensie turned to her husband. 'How can you say that, we'll never see him again! We'll never see any of them again.'

He turned to his wife and sighed. 'I know. But I went off to war thinking I wouldn't see any of you ever again. And you accepted it, because we believed it would save our children. This is no different. I'd rather say goodbye to Edmund, or all 4 of them, forever, if I know they will be happier that way.'

Mrs. Pevensie started to cry. 'Oh children.' She looked from Peter, to Susan to Lucy, and finally let her eyes rest upon poor Edmund. The thought of letting them go forever killed her, but seeing her youngest boy, not even 18 yet, and dying, she couldn't deny that she had wished for a miracle that could save him. It wasn't the miracle she had expected, but could she truly pass up a miracle when it came knocking on her door. 'I wish I didn't have to let you go, but your father is right. You must go...'

Peter smiled sadly before wrapping her into a hug. His father walked over to Lucy and Susan hugging his daughters tightly. 'I will miss all of you so much, so please promise me that you will live your life as well as you can. Love, and laugh and enjoy it whenever you can.'

Mrs. Pevensie took Edmund's hand and squeezed it gently. 'Have a wonderful life my dear Edmund.'

Edmund smiled wearily. 'Mum, I promise, that when we get there I will try to find out if it is possible for you and dad to come and visit.'

She smiled. 'I would like that.'

Soon the family had said their goodbyes but everyone was still in the room. 'So... how are we getting to Narnia? The note said it would happen if Edmund would make up his mind...' Susan asked.

Mr. Pevensie got up. 'I think this is where we leave. It might be that you can't travel there as long as we are here.' He placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. 'Take care of them Peter. Any man coming after Lucy and Susan is now your responsibility.'

Peter grinned slightly before turning serious again. 'I, Peter the Magnificent, high king of Narnia, promise I will take care of my brother King Edmund the Just and My sisters High Queen Susan the Gentle, and Queen Lucy the Valiant.'

Both his parents laughed slightly. 'Those are impressive titles, son.' His father joked.

'We try to do them justice.' Peter answered.

'I'm sure you will.' His mother offered. With a sad smile she looked at all her children one more time. 'Farewell my darlings. And if you can, contact us.'

With a tears in their eyes, Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie left the room.

Almost immediately, the window in the room flew open, and the room around them started to disappear. When the wind had seized they were in an open space, surrounded by buildings. Edmund lay on a stack of hay, still looking somewhat ill. Upon his chest lay a note.

Do not worry, his lethal illness does not exist here, but he still requires rest. He will be alright in a few days.

Susan read the note out loud, but before she could put it down after finishing, they were surrounded.

'Do not move, intruders!' A man armed with a crossbow called. 'Who are you and how did you get into the castle?'

Peter looked around and recognized the open space they were, as the courtyard of Caspian's Telmarine castle.

'I am Peter the magnificent, high king of Narnia, and I would like to know; who is the lord and king of this castle?'

The guard seemed somewhat surprised by the young man's answer but quickly answered. 'King Caspian the tenth.'

Lucy smiled excitedly, and Peter grinned.

'Well then, I am sure he would love to hear that his friends, the kings and queens of Narnia have arrived back into his kingdom.'

I hope you like the story, please leave a comment to tell me what you think :)

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