Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

I knew Liam did something with my phone that was not only in the wrong spot but flipped with the screen up. I pick up and realize my my text messages to Shannon were open 'Fuck'. I curse myself knowing that Liam had asked previously about where Shannon worked. 'How dare he think he can just go through my phone and text her asking where she worked.' My anger continued to rise at not only Liam, but also Shannon didn't she remember telling me where she worked.

I don't understand why he's so obsessed with Shannon, this is so stalkerish it's insane. I debated whether or not to text her, warning her about Liam, but knowing him he probably paid her a visit. I sat down on the edge of my bed, head in my hands. 'Why can't he just leave her alone, god when he gets here I'm going to chew him out a new one'.

Sitting on the bed was making me anxious, I looked at the clock hanging on the wall across my bed. 'He sent the message 3 hours ago, he should be back at any time.' I rushed over to Liam's room, knowing someone had his spare key, I was let in my Paul. I pace back and forth waiting for Liam's arrival. I just didn't understand, none of the other boys cared about her. She was kind of forgotten 3 days later, since we started to write for the 4th album. As I thought about what he was going to do and if I lost a friend I remind myself of how this whole thing happened. I quickly put a lock on my phone using both my finger and a pin. 'Teaching me not to lock on my phone'. I

After what felt like an eternity, when really only 20 minutes passed by when Liam walked through the door. That damn smirk I gotta hit it off of his face. He raised an eyebrow, looking at my hand he quickly tried to hide his smirk. "What you doing my room mate?" Liam said trying to pretend he didn't use my phone for his dirty work. "Why in the fuck did you go through my phone to text Shannon?" I yelled, I was seething and I know that yelling won't help anyone. I just hated the Liam standing in front of me. "Shouldn't have left it unlocked." Liam shrugged off his coat, quickly getting rid of the rest of his clothing. I almost punched, but now that he's almost naked my urge is suppressed. I mean we have seen each other naked but I'm not really into fighting a man naked.

"Having my phone unlocked was a sign of trust and you just ruined it because of you fucking obsession over Shannon!" I continue to scream. Liam tensed, "I am not obsessed." He said through gritted teeth. "Oh really so why did you have the urge to steal my shit and text her through my phone. Seriously you seem like a stalker." I yell getting closer to Liam, completely forgetting about his bare ass. Liam got in my face but he turned to see the other 3 members peeking in to see what all the screaming was about. Louis tried to cover his laughter after he noticed the lack of clothing between me and Liam.

"You know I heard of the ancient Greeks wrestling naked, but I sure as hell thought we were beyond that" Louis smirked. I stepped away, Harry laughed at the thought of us naked wrestling, and Zayn rolled his eyes. "So you wanna explain why Niall is yelling at you while you're naked or should I guess and say Louis is correct?" Zayn said stepping forward in case it got physical. "Niall is just upset I used his phone claiming I was stalking his friend when I just wanted to apologize." Liam said irritated he had to explain himself. "Why didn't you just ask-" Zayn cut me off by pushing me back. It wasn't until Zayn stepped in did I realize I was clutching my fist.

"So why didn't you ask Niall for her phone number?" Zayn said standing in between us, while trying to distance himself from Liam's naked front. "I didn't think he would give it to me so I didn't want to fight and just went through his phone." Zayn started to say something but Louis interjected. "So that's why you were away for 3 hours just to apologize?" I nodded at Louis a real thinker that one was. "Yes, it took a lot of convincing but I said I wouldn't leave until she agreed to forgive me and allow me to take her on a date." "A DATE?" I exclaim. I was glad Zayn was between us because we may have practiced some ancient Greek shit.

"You do know that's not really an apology if you force her to accept it and then do a date with her." Harry said confused as if it was common sense, which guessed what it was. "Well she agreed and I am currently trying to get ready for our date tonight, but you all seem to really enjoy seeing me naked." I clicked my tongue ready to fight him more, but I felt Louis drag me out the room before I could do anything. Leaving just Zayn and Liam in the room, hopefully Zayn can talk some kind of sense into him.

"What'd you do that for, he's gonna hurt her." I yell at Louis. I know he's not at fault but I'm still so angry. "Will you breathe for a second?" Louis looked me in the eyes. Helping me I take 3 deep breaths feeling my anger somewhat subsiding. "I get you're mad, but if Shannon says yes then she says yes nothing more. The best we can hope for is that she has some kind of common sense to get it over and have nothing more to do with Liam." Louis said smiling at me softly, putting his hand on my shoulder.

*Click* We turn our heads to see Zayn closing Liam's door. He calmly walks over to me. "So I talked him out of taking Shannon to some small restaurant, know she probably wouldn't like it. I think he may go for something hopefully more public." Zayn patted me on the shoulder. I felt relief overflow as we stood in the hallway for a few more minutes. After a while the boys returned to their rooms. I enter mine. I pulled out my phone, unlocking it and I sent an apology to Shannon. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. I close my eyes praying he won't hurt her and make me lose my friend.

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