Chapter 1

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"Honey, time to wake up. Come on now it's noon!" My mom said, her voice ringing through the stairwell. "Shannon if you don't get up now I'm coming up there!" I groaned, rolling over in my twin size bed 'I stayed up way too late trying to reread the Lord of the Rings... note to self plan better next time'. Turning my head lazily to the side seeing the glow of my alarm clock "well it isn't 1, therefore too early for the world" I hoarsely scream back at my mother, too tired to even try and move. Maybe going to bed at 7 am wasn't my best move. But in my defense I finally finished unpacking all of my books and just had to reread Tolkien's fantasy world of adventure.

"Oh come on, Shannon you have to get and explore your new town. You have yet to even step foot outside this house". My mother chirped, now outside my doorway after opening my door. Oh yes, all I ever want to do is step out in the heat of the great California sun, where my melanin depleted skin would surely gain a new shade of red, like it needed anymore of that pigment in it. Thanks mom for passing on your pasty Irish genes on to me so kindly. 'Couldn't even give me the cute freckles either no I have to have giant moles everywhere, why couldn't I have gotten my dad's Italian genes for tanning in the sun, maybe then I would leave the house.' My heart felt a pang as I thought of my father. 'I should write to him.'

The sound of my mother humming as she hears me rustling out of my sanctuary makes my eyes automatically roll back inside my head. 'Great this should be fun'. I finally wrestle my way out of the cocoon of blankets only to see my mother leaving, closing the door behind her. This combined with humming of a song from the 80's tells me she must be in a good mood. At least she won't knit pick you, but she should. The voice in my head says sarcastically. I know it's probably my own voice but I like to think it's someone else speaking. I walk a short distance to my bathroom, a luxury I can now enjoy that I never could before. Having my own bathroom equals more privacy for me and less interaction with the outside world. Am I isolating myself? Probably. Do I care? No, not one bit. Now there was only one worthy reason for me to abandon this safe haven from the harsh reality that is the world, food. Trust me when I tell you if I didn't love it so much I wouldn't even consider it an option, but alas I must digress. To be perfectly honest I only love four things in this world, food is number 3 on that list.

Taking my thoughts away for a few moments I glanced at my bathroom mirror, the reflection showed a girl who might as well have had the word average tattooed to her forehead, on the center for the world to see. Right above the tattoo was crazy red hair, thanks to those damn Irish genes, right below was accompanied by deep blue eyes with hints of green and gray in them. People tell me they're special but with them being so tiny I don't see it. Of course, my dad would call me doe because of the size, but my third grade class would disagree with that statement.

My body wasn't impressive; I had a tummy, huge butt, and boobs but that's good right? That's what the media keeps telling me, but if it was up to me, body shapes would be illegal. I'm 5'3 and a half and yes the half totally counts. I'm 17 and honestly I still believe that somehow if I drink enough milk that growth spurt will surely give that 6 inches I keep wanting. However, I doubt I'll find normal milk anymore, thanks California. I looked down to my arms with moles doting all the way to my wrist, and turned them to the other side.

I sighed, cringing away from my own arm, I was greeted by fainting scars given by my old habits. Some bright red while some are a deep purple, and thin lines marking the different ages of my coping mechanism. Don't think it helped, but it was there. Really they are a stunning reminder of why it is better to be alone. The more alone I am the less I practice this habit. Quickly shaking myself from past memories trying to resurface, I run a hot shower. After stripping my batman pajama pants and holey old navy shirt, I hop in.

Isnt love hard enough~a Liam Payne fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now