"I know I am. I want to overreact. I've only ever went to high school. I should be glad I graduated with a proper grade." I say, folding the last few fancy dresses into my suitcase.

"Why do I have to take all these fancy ass dresses with me, anyway?"

"Because we have a wedding to attend!" Skylar chirps excitedly. Oh, right.

"Whose wedding is it?"

"Lucas Archer and Bethany Evergreen. Lucas is our cousin and Bethany is just a really old friend. They found out they were mates at 16. Cutest couple ever!" She squeals and I gag. 

"Mates, huh? I wonder when I'll find mine." I wonder and Skylar snorts.

"He may be closer than you think." She giggles.

"Huh? What do you mean by-" She cuts me off.

"Come on! Theo's waiting in the private jet." She runs off with her suitcase, giggling like a maniac. I dart after her, dragging my suitcase with me.

We find Theo in the jet with Alexander and Cameron. Sam said he wouldn't be joining us due to his mate about to give birth. I place my suitcase next to Skylar and am about sit next to her when Cameron beats me to it.

"Sorry, Lexi. There's a free seat next to Theo. Seems like Alexander's is taken, though." I turn and Cameron is right. Alexander has earphones in and his suitcase is on the seat next to him. Theo, on the other hand has a completely free seat. I curse under my breath and walk over to sit next to him.

I sink into the chair and buckle my seat belt. The pilot announces that we are ready to take off and I brace myself. The jet starts moving and in a few minutes, we are in the air. 

An air hostess walks by every now and then, giving us champagne or some sort of food or drink. I look at Theo and he's looking at nothing, probably thinking of something.

"Does he know who I am?" I ask, making sure he won't know that I'm the assassin everyone now fears.

"No. Which is a good thing. He won't know what's coming." He replies with a hint of mischief in his voice, still not looking at me.

"Does he know what you look like?" He shakes his head. Liar. He's lying to me. I can see it in his face.

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