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“BYE SADIE!” Maranda’s voice always made me smile, I watched her walk down the road. She had nothing to worry about, I envied her. I turned and slid the key into the door and quietly pushed the door open. Of course the lights are out Will is most likely out with the boys. I let out a quiet sigh and started for the stairs, I pulled off my light pinks vans and let my eyes adjust to the dark. The wooden stair case was beautiful, the solid oak looked amazing in the light. I reached out and felt the sturdy banister, the wood below my feet felt gritty. Tomorrow would be a cleaning day.

 I took the stairs two by two up to the top.  I found my room at the top of the stairs easily, Will hated the lay out of the house he inherited. I loved all the old features, I flicked on the bedroom light and looked at the messy bedroom Will and I shared. His clothes laid thrown all over the floor, the broken glass from our last fight slept snugly under the towel he draped over so no one would ever know it was there. I love Will but I hate his drinking. He’s got a serious problem.

I shrugged off my heavy sweater that protected me from the November night and slid on a lighter sweater it smelt like my twin brother who recently passed, I threw my messenger bag onto the small seat we had sitting in the corner of our room. I missed him so much. I didn’t bother taking off my make up or leggings I flipped the light switch back off and climbed into our king sized bed.  I laid in the dark for a few moments before I heard a car outside, I sat up a little waiting for Will to come in. I heard his heavy feet on the stairs.

“Ohhhh Saa-adie” his voice seemed slurred. I felt the tension grow in my stomach. I didn’t want to fight with him tonight. I slid back down in the bed and hoped I could pretend to sleep. I heard his feet outside the door I snapped my eyes shut. His breathing was heavy, he twisted the knob and walked in. the light almost blinded him “get up Sadie. Right now” the smell of vodka filled the room. I tried to stay really still. I slowed my breathing and kept my eyes glued tight. I heard his feet move to my side of the bed “I SAID GET UP” I felt his fingers wrap around my bun and pull me out of bed. My eyes shot open and my hands flew to my hair.

“Will, please let go” my voice was tight I wasn’t going to cry in front of him.

“So now you’re awake” his grip didn’t loosen “whose shirt is that?” his free hand grabbed at my brothers sweater.

“Its Jack’s please just tell me what you need” I tried to pry his fingers out of my hair.

“I already tried to tell you but you ignored me. You know I hate to be ignored” he pulled my head back to look at the anger rising in his eyes. I tried to slide my leg back under me.

“I’m sorry I-I-I didn’t hear you” I felt the fear growing in my body.

“YOU IGNORED ME” his hand connected with my face. It felt like the whole side of my face was broken. My hands flew to protect my face. “YOU KNOW I HATE THAT” he pulled me to my feet and slammed me into the wall. I felt the air escape my lungs, he slammed me into the wall a few more times before letting me fall to the floor. My hands still blocked my face, I didn’t want him to see my tears. I let silent sobs rack my body.

“Will” my voice was weak, I tried to inhale before I continued “I’m sorry” my voice cracked out the last word.

“Sorry doesn’t fix anything” I heard him crouch in front of me. He knocked my hands away and took my small face into his rough hands. He squeezed my face with his finger and thumb, it made my sore cheek burn in pain “why are you crying? I haven’t gave you a reason to cry yet” the anger in his voice scared me. He pushed my head back into the wall with so much force I heard the dry wall crack. I whimpered louder than I should have.  He grabbed my falling bun and pulled me across the carpet, I felt the rug burn starting. “Going to cry and whimper about this I’ll give you a reason” I watched the towel fly off the glass sending small chucks flying. He released my hair and I tried crawling away. The tears flooded my face. I couldn’t see properly.  I felt his foot connect with my side, his kick sent me into the chunks of glass. I could feel my hands being cut as I scrambled to get off the glass. “When will you learn Sadie?” I watched Will turn his back to me. I grabbed the soft arm rest of the sofa, I pulled myself up and watched Will climb into bed. “Go get cleaned up and come to bed” he turned onto his side and instantly drifted off. I stood there staring at the man who hurts me, I felt my knees start to buckle.

 I couldn’t do this anymore. I grabbed the strap on my messenger bag and I turned off the bedroom light. I needed to leave. I wiped my wet face and descended the stairs. If I didn’t get out now I never would. I saw the ribbon of blood I left on the banister, I bent down and slid back on my shoes and grabbed my car keys. The cold November night kissed my skin through the light fabric of my brother’s shirt. I closed the door and walked to my old Chevy truck, for the second time tonight I opened the driver’s door and put the key in the ignition. I pulled out of the drive way and looked down the road to Maranda’s house, I whispered my goodbyes to her. I drove down the quiet road not knowing where I’d go to sleep. My hands and face stung there would be bruising and cuts on my hands and knees. My face was already damp with the tears running down my face, I got on the high way and I moved like a robot I had no idea where I was taking myself but I knew it would be safe.

  I found the exit that led home, I knew no one would be there. I pulled onto the street I grew up on. Memories flooded back, most with my Jack and when he taught me how to ride a bike and the days he would kiss my skinned knees. I stopped in front of the small old house I grew up in. the house still had the stickers in the window from Jack. The sobs came harder, I needed my brother. I hated coming back here it reminded me of the day the drunk driver took away my brother. I put my head on my steering wheel and cried harder. I got out a few sobs before I tried to pull myself together. I continued past my house to a house I haven’t been to in a few months. I knew he still lived here because of the cards he’d send me. He was one of Jack’s best friends. I pulled into his drive way and turned my truck off. No lights were on in his house but I climbed out of my truck and walked to the door. Anticipation grew in my stomach I know Will is going to find me once the sun comes up but I just want to be safe for a night. I knocked lightly at first and then the knocks became more frantic.  I stood outside the door and waited, finally the door pulled open. I looked up into his light hazel eyes. His jaw dropped I probably looked like a train wreck.

“S-Sadie” his voice was low, he stood in the door frame in his pajamas.

The tears streamed down my face faster

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