Chapter 2.

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Ren's POV

I laid in bed, my eyes were heavy. As I closed them, *Ping*. I grabbed my phone, It was a text. 'Hey, we're outside. Look for my mom's car.' I grabbed my bag, and walked into the hallway. I looked up and down the hallway. I walked into the living area, and headed out.

Beau's POV.

I saw Ren walk out, Nate was looking at his phone. Ren was wearing a skirt, "Hot damn." I said. Nate looked up, by the time he saw Ren, he was right next to the car door his bottom half was out of view. He got in the backseat, Nate didn't notice the skirt. He sat with me and Lizzie, Cass and Nate in the front, Travis was in the trunk area. His head popped over the seat. I looked at his skirt and gave him a high five.

Ren's POV.

In the car we were talking, and laughing, and having a good time. We decided to go out for dinner, Nate started driving. For some reason, they picked me up last. We were driving, we passed a bunch of people, grouped up. A protest. I looked towards Beau, if I looked out that window anymore, I would've jumped out of the car. Beau smiled weakly, he brushed my bangs out of my face and kissed my forehead. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers, I smiled. "Hey Nate, where are we going." I asked, "Olive Garden." He responded. I smiled, BREADSTICKS. While driving, a cop stopped us. We acted natural, laughing as we rolled down the window. "What are you kids doing out this late?" He asked, "It's only 7:27 sir. We're going to Olive Garden." Nate responded. "We're looking for a kidnapped child, would you mind rolling down the back window?" He asked again. "Not at all." Nate rolled down the window, I was closest to the cop. He looked at me and shot a dirty look, I shot one right back. Beau wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Breath in, breath out." He whispered in my ear. I inhaled and exhaled, "Thank you, Have a nice night." He said. Beau knows my issues, he knows what's wrong with me. Nate does as well, but Beau has been my friend since age 4. He actually had a crush on me at one point. He's now dating Travis. I looked to Beau, he was talking to Travis. I looked to Lizzie, she was talking to Cass. I looked to Nate, he was laughing at something Lizzie said. He looked back at us, he saw me looking at him, he smiled. We finally got to Olive Garden, he parked and we got out. Nate finally saw my skirt, he looked surprised at first, he grabbed my hips and kissed me. We walked in, Nate wrapped his arm around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder. We were seated, I was in front of Nate. Beau was next to me, in front of Trav. We ordered, and got our food. As we were eating, I apparently had a bit of food on my face. Nate wiped it off, we were all chatting. I didn't say much, I sat there eating silently. Nate looked at me with a weak expression, I nodded and he nodded back. Beau grabbed my hand, I smiled, he let go. Nate reached his hand out, over the table. I held it, he placed his other hand on top of mine. I smiled again, I cheered up and joined in the conversation. We were talking, I felt, happy. Beau, Nate, and I finished eating. Nate walked around the table, Cass and Lizzie were gossiping. Nate sat in the empty chair next to me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I like your skirt." He whispered in my ear, I giggled "Thanks." I said. I kissed him on the cheek, "That's all I get?" He asked jokingly. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled him to me, and planted my lips on his. I pulled away, "Happy?" I asked, he nodded. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, he ran his hand from my shoulder, down to my waist. He held it there, it felt nice. After everyone finished we payed, we got back in the car and drove to Nate's house. On the way we passed a protest again, Beau saw me looking at what was happening. He tapped my shoulder, I turned to him. He put his hands on the sides of my head, "Just look at me, okay?" He said. I nodded, we passed the protest and he let go. We got to Nate's house, and grabbed our bags. We got inside, "Hey mom!" Nate yelled, she walked over to us. His parents aren't very progressive, I pulled my hood up, and hid my tail. "Hey guys." She said, "Hi." We all said. We walked upstairs, to Nate's room, we put our bags down. Nate grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, "I'm sorry we had to drive by that." He whispered. I just hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. He smells nice. "Get a room." Trav said, jokingly. "We're already in one, unless you and Beau wanna join us." Nate said, I laughed. We changed into pajamas. We were sitting around, we were each doing our own thing. I was on my phone, on Instagram. I looked back at a post my friend shared a while ago. It had 458 likes, and over 1600 comments. Because of him being a furry most of them were hate comments. I was 15 at the time of the picture, he was 19. It was two pictures, in the first one, I had my arms wrapped around his neck, he was holding me up by my thighs. In the second one, he had his arm around my waist, I had an arm wrapped around his shoulder, with that hand I was flipping the camera off, was winking and sticking my tongue out. I was so ratchet. His name is Liam, he's currently in the hospital, he was shot. He almost killed himself trying to protect me. We were in an alleyway, a guy was holding us at gunpoint.

Who does this guy think he is?!? I growled at him, he was pointing his gun at Liam, he moved it towards me. "Hey, hey you keep you gun pointed at me!" Liam said. He pointed his gun back at Liam, "Now just tell us what you want." He said calmly. "I want you furries dead." He pulled the trigger and shot Liam. I pounced on him, knocking the gun away. I wrapped my claws as tightly around his neck as I could. As I was choking him I realized, this why people are afraid of me. I let go and punched him in the face, knocking him out. I ran over to Liam kneeling beside him. He was shot in the shoulder, thank God no important organs were harmed. Paramedics starting running toward us, "Liam, stay with me! You're gonna be fine! Look at me, you're okay just breathe." They rushed him into the ambulance, they also brought the other guy. "Sir can you tell me what happened." One of the paramedics asked me. "He just attacked us, Liam asked what he wanted. He said 'I want you furries dead.' and shot Liam. I wanted to kill him, I should've." I said. "If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you?" She asked. "A lot of people I've met are afraid of me. I came to a realization, this is why they're scared. So I just knocked him out." I said, monotonously. We got to the hospital I sat in the waiting room for a bit. I walked into his room, he was awake. He saw me, and sat up. He grunted and grabbed his shoulder. I sat by his side, I held his hand until he feel asleep. When he did I stayed, I fell asleep on top of him. Later I felt a hand pet my head, gently. I woke up, "I'm fine, I just need to stay here for a couple of days." He said. "The doctor said he didn't want to wake you up." I blushed. I nodded, he pulled my face closer to his. "It's already 2:38 A.M. You have school in a few hours. Go home and get some more rest." He whispered. I held his hand, "I don't want to leave you. I don't have anyone waiting up for me." I said. "What about James?" He asked, James is about 26. He thinks he knows what's best for me, he always tries to tell me what I can and can't do. "He can fuck off, you're my priority." I said. "Look at me. Go home, get rest, don't worry about me." He said. I gave up, I nodded sadly. "I love you." He said playfully, he kissed my forehead. I opened the door, I looked back at him, he winked. I started walking home, I slipped my hands in my jacket pocket. I felt something cold, I pulled it out. A bracelet, with a note attached to it. 'I know you have a boyfriend, but you deserve this.' The bracelet had a little wolf charm, it had the word 'babe' on it. I smiled and held it to my chest. I put it on, I put the note back in my pocket. I got home, I snuck in, I quietly closed the door, "Welcome home." I heard a voice say. I jumped, "Jesus you scared me James!" Playing off the fact that it was 2:56 A.M. "Well, where we're YOU?" He asked, "It's not important." I responded. "Answer me, young man!" He said, "Who are you? My father?" I said, "I was at the hospital." His eyes widened, "What happened!? Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine! I was there for Liam. He was shot." I mumbled the last bit. "What!?" He yelled, "It was my fault, okay!? I feel awful, he made me come home. I wanted to stay, I really did!" I broke down into tears. He hugged me, "Shh, it's okay." He said, petting my head. "He was protecting me." I said, between sobs. He tried to calm me down he sat me down in the living area. He comforted me as best he could, I went to my room. In the hallway, I saw my friend, Shangela LaQuifa Wadley. I hid my face. I'm supposed to be the tough, unbreakable wolf that people look up to. He saw me and ran up to me. "Hey Ren what's u--" he saw me crying, damn it. He hugged me, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I nodded, I went in my room. I laid on my bed and passed out.

Against my good judgement, I clicked on the comments. One of them caught my eye, 'What a Pedo, he's way too young for you, you furry bitch!!.'
"삦ㅊ!" I mumbled to myself in Korean. Nate laughed, he learned a little bit of Korean, just for me. "화티?!" I said, he laughed again. "큐미." He responded kissing me. "What the fuck are you saying?!?" Lizzie asked, confused. "You don't need to know, Shawntelle!" I said jokingly, I laughed. We all started laughing, I heard the door open, but none of us stopped laughing. His dad walked in, we were still laughing. We immediatly shut up, and got in our natural places. He looked at me briefly, "I just wanted to say goodnight." He said. "Night." Nate responded, he left, shutting the door behind him. We all knew he would tell his mom, he brought a 'furry' over. We all looked at each other. Lizzie tossed me my hoodie, I tucked my tail in my pants. We sat naturally, we were talking and laughing quietly. There was a knock at his door, "Come in!" He said. "Hey Nate, I wanted to tell you goodnight." She looked at all of us, I was swaying back and forth in a rolling chair. She carefully examined each one of us, "Uhh, mom?" Nate asked, to get her gaze off of me. "Oh, yes! Goodnight, Nate!" She said happily. She left, I let out a sigh of relief. We continued talking until we fell asleep. Nate was on his bed, I was upside down with my head hanging off the bed. Beau fell asleep in the rolling chair, Travis rested his head on his lap. Lizzie was sprawled out on the floor. Cass, was upside in a chair. It felt nice to be with friends.

Heyy, I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of protest. That's all I really have to say.
Love ya!

ProtestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora