19. Justice Served

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It was a microcosm dipped in shades of orange and yellow. Sanskaar turned to Swara.

“Before you say anything, I never complained of your blue.”

“I didn't say anything. You are just assuming.” Sanskaar tried to hide his laugh but was unsuccessful. He took his phone out and clicked her angry pout. “See... you look very cute when you are angry. This is going on my lock screen.”

“Sanskaar, delete that picture right now.”

“Never!” Sanskaar ran away from her as she tried to grab the phone.

Swara climbed up the bed to try reaching his phone. She was about to fall off the edge of the bed. Sanskaar held her in time. She was right where he wanted her - in his arms - for now and for ever.


Swara tried to pull away but Sanskaar held her too strong for her to break away. “Don't you think all this is going too fast?”

“Whose fingers traced my face this morning?”

“You were awake? I thought you were sleeping.”

“I can feel, Swara. I don't lose my senses in sleep.”

“So, that's what the smile was.. I was thinking it's cute but it was actually sinister.”

Sanskaar didn't say anything. His silence held more meaning than his words. Swara could lose herself in those eyes where she found the desire and longing that she had previously seen only in flashes.


The next day, Sanskaar witnessed the alarm fight. As he greeted everyone at the table, he asked Sharmistha, “Ma, how did you deal with such poor behavior for so long?”

“Thanks, Sanskaar. At least someone empathises with me.”

“Sanskaar, get used to it while you are here.” Lakshya said.

Just then, they heard a shout. They went out to see that the source of the shouts was a deranged Danny. He looked pathetic in torn clothes and bruised face.


Swara and Sanskaar exchanged glances. Sanskaar signaled the guard to bring him in. He wanted to hear what Danny had to say.

“Sanskaar Maheshwari! How dare you do this to me?”

“I warned you to apologise and get lost. You went to our siblings. You made a very big mistake.”

“So, you force me to declare bankruptcy?”

“I didn't force you to do anything. If only you had left our lives on that day, you would be still living your life today. I just let your debtors know your whereabouts. I didn't know they would drag you to this.”

Sanskaar was in fact quite pleased at Danny's condition. He had informed the debtors to not leave Danny until they collect each and every cent. They actually did a pretty good job.

“Sanskaar Maheshwari! Swara Gadodia! I will see your end.”

"First, look at yourself. You are witnessing your end and you are threatening us." Swara pointed out.

“Danny, you had played and this is your returns. Every step you take against my family, you will pay dearly. Maybe even with your life!”

He called the Police Commissioner. “Sanskaar here. Why did you release him?”

“Sanskaar, he got away. We will take him in custody as soon as we find him.”

“Gadodia House. You know what to do.” He hung up the call. “Wait for your escort at the gate.”


Swara was appalled at Sanskaar's reaction. She had not seen this shade of Sanskaar and it was truly scary thinking of his love.  He loved to the extent that he didn't think twice about his ways to protect his family.

“Sanskaar, what was that?”

“Swara, don't ask. This is just me.”

“Sanskaar, what did you do with him?”

“I think that's pretty obvious.”

“Please, Sanskaar! Why did you do that?”

“Please, Swara! I saw how much you loved him. And what has he done to you! He returned that too for revenge for what you are not responsible. Okay, I was ready to let go of that. But he dragged in Lucky and Ragini. My sister looked at me like I was a criminal. I just couldn't tolerate that. Most importantly, remember that night, Swara? You cried yourself to sleep. I had decided then that I would make him pay for every tear, every accusation and for every day he had taken advantage of your love.”

Throughout that short journey to Maheshwari mansion, those words of Sanskaar rang in her ears. Ragini was right. Sanskaar was beyond protective, precisely on the possessive side, when it came to people he loved.


It was the day of the much awaited wedding of Lakshya Gadodia and Ragini Maheshwari. But the life of the house was Uttara. She had come home for the wedding. Chachi and Ragini were glad that she could come home for a week, but Sanskaar dreaded the day she would have to go back.

“Swara, are all the arrangements done?” he asked as he got ready for Ragini's big day.

“Almost. I am just going through the list. I think Chachi is already looking forward to Uttara's wedding.”

“Uttara is too young. Also, I don't think I can send her away so soon.”

“If you miss her so much, why didn't you let her stay with us? She was complaining about you.”

“I always miss her. Since her high school, she has been away from home. It was one decision Chachu was firm on. Uttara actually hates us for this but staying away from home gives her the freedom and sensibility that this house can never give its daughters. If I were to go back in time, I would have pushed for the same decision for Ragini.”

“Just the daughters of this house? You're also not so vocal.”

Sanskaar turned to find a teasing smile on Swara's face. He held her wrists and pinned her to the dresser. “That's because I believe in actions. What exactly do you want me to be vocal about, Swara?”

“Sanskaar, my bangles will break!” He released her immediately but stretched his hands to the dresser locking her in. “Let me go. I am still angry at you for not deleting that pic.”

“Someone said it right. You girls collect your arguments only to raise after ages.”

“Now you are saying I am arguing. You don't have the sense to console my anger and now this. Wow!” Swara said sarcastically.

“Okay. Jaan…” Sanskaar moved to kiss her cheek only for Swara to turn away. “Shona…” He tried the other cheek.

She pushed him at his chest but he didn't release his hands. “Don't you dare. Only Ma-Baba and Dida are allowed to call me Shona.”

“How about sweetheart?”

“You are flirting with me? Find someone else.” Swara crossed her arms and glared him down adding, “I will kill you if you find.”

In the next breath, Sanskaar took her face in his palms and rested his forehead over hers. He closed his eyes and said just above a whisper, “Swara.”

The time froze. No one had and could ever call her from deep within their soul. Their breaths slowed while their hearts sped. Swara slid her palms up over his chest feeling every thread of the sherwani. Just when she was getting into the moment, a knock woke them to reality. Swara pushed him away and in came Uttara.

“Sanskaar Bhai, Bhabhi, can you grow up? We have a wedding ceremony downstairs.”

Sanskaar slightly tipped Uttara's head with his finger. He smiled at her and walked out. At the door, he turned back and looked at Swara silently challenging that this was not over yet.

Swara saw that look and knew it would continue once it was just both of them. “Uttara, is Ragini ready?”

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