11. Sanskaar Attempts

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Ragini closed the door of her room. She felt overlooked today. Her Bhai had every right to make his own decisions. However being his sister, she expected him to at the least inform her of the happenings.

She knew he cared for her. He loved her. And that love had turned to possession especially after losing their parents. Watching that possessive streak in his eyes had always been a harbinger of a dangerous backstory.

When her parents passed on, she depended heavily on her Chachi. She didn't know whom to turn to. She sat with him in silence for days not knowing whether she helped or what she could say.

With time, she started receiving the warmth of an elder and guide. She enjoyed it. She didn't know when the love turned so intense that it hurt her. If only she could tell him to stop worrying about her so much. If only she could crawl out of his heavy protection blanket.

There was a knock on the door and Sanskaar appeared in the doorway. Ragini turned away with a resolve to not take anything but the answer she wanted.

“Ragini… Can we talk?”

“Are you here to give me my answer?”

“There were too many factors that led to our marriage. Just know that the centre of those factors was you. I did this for you. Swara agreed for you. You can ask her if you don't believe me. You can ask Chachi. Swara has also accepted before everyone that she did this for you and Lucky.”

Ragini was not convinced. She moved to sit on the side of her bed. “Bhai, this is no answer. I don't want an explanation for your decision. I want to know why you felt the need to hide from me. I would have listened quietly. I would have never opposed your decision. ”

Sanskaar knelt before her on his toes. “Ragini, don't test my patience. You know I don't have much of it anyway. You have complete right to be angry with me. You want to be obstinate. Fine. But dear, persist the issue that's worth it.”

Ragini stood up impatiently. “Bhai, this may not be worthy in your eyes but it means a lot to me. You didn't have to hide matters from me. Today I feel like you left me out of your life.”

Sanskaar had fallen back on the heel of his palm. The last sentence came as an arrow into his chest. Ragini was his priority. She was his responsibility. How could she think that he didn't want his sister in his life? He stood up and walked out before his temper flared.

Ragini turned back to find her brother gone. When she peeped out into the hallway, she saw him bang his fist into a framed scenery. Chachiji came to check the noise and took him from there to do the first aid.

Ragini hated herself for hurting her brother. She saw her reflection in the mirror and mirrored her brother's action. The glass pieces introduced into her fist gave little pain compared to her storming emotions.


Swara was on the phone with Lakshya. “Di, can I have a list of contracts you don't wish to renew and why.”

“Okay, Lucky. I will email you. How is everything else?”

“Going fine. Today Ragini must have returned. What's her reaction to the news?” Lucky wanted to know.

“Lucky, it will take her time.”

Swara heard the shattering sound of the picture frame in the hallway. “Lucky, I will talk to you later.”

She hung up and ran towards the noise. As she reached the broken decorative frame, she heard another shattering sound from Ragini's room. She rushed in to find Ragini's hand bleeding.


Swara, her Bhabhi, rushed in. “Ragini, what happened?” She went to work on cleaning her wound and bandaging.

“Bhabhi, how can I be so selfish?”

“Who said anything about being selfish?”

“Bhai has hurt himself today because of me.”

“So that broken frame in the hallway…” She understood. “Ragini, don't blame yourself. Some things are out of our control.”

“Bhai is right. I don't know what I want.”

“He never said that. He just feels that you don't persist over things that should matter. ”

“Bhabhi, this matters to me.”

“Then tell him na? Let him get to the ground zero and calibrate to your priorities.”

“I told,” Ragini replied, “But he walked off angry.”

“He is not angry. He is clueless. Leave him alone. And raise the topic again tomorrow.”

Swara started to leave. “Bhabhi, Bhai said you agreed for the marriage for Lakshya and me. Is that true?”


Sanskaar was not alone in this madness, thought Ragini.

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