10. Ragini is Back

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Ragini was ecstatic to be back home. She couldn't wait to share all her adventures with her Chachi and Bhai. Really, her Bhai always knew exactly what she needed.

She found her Chacha and Chachi near the stairs. She ran to hug her Chachi. “Chachiji! I can't tell you how happy I am. Where's Bhai? Today he has to sit before me and listen to all I have to say. Until then I am not going to let him even touch his phone.”

“He is probably in his room. But Ragini, why don't you meet him in the evening? You must be tired from the journey.”

“No worries, Chachiji. I will go see him in his room.”

Ragini ran up the stairs towards her brother's room. She knocked the door. When the door opened, Ragini was stunned to silence.


Swara Gadodia.

What was Swara doing in their house? Why was she in her brother's room? Where was her brother?

Too many questions flooded her. Ragini focused on the black beads and vermillion. Swara got married? To her brother? In a month's time?

“Ragini, how was your holiday? I know you must be shocked to see me here.” Swara spoke.

Ragini was still dazed to reply. “It was a nice holiday. You're here?”

“I am sure you have a lot of questions. Sanskaar is in his study. It would be better if you hear it from him.”

Ragini went towards the study room. Swara followed closely behind her. Ragini knocked on the already open door. “Bhai?”

“Ragini, you're back!” Sanskaar stepped forward to hug her. “How was the trip? Enjoyed?”

Ragini stepped back, out of his reach. “Bhai, you got married behind my back.”

Sanskaar dropped his hands. “Is that a question or an accusation?”

“How can I question you, Bhai? I am just hurt that you didn't tell me. If I never came home, I wouldn't have known. Right?”

“Ragini, what are you talking about? I didn't want to spoil your holiday so I was waiting for you to return to let you know.”

“Please,  Bhai. Tell me, honestly. Did you send me on the holiday just to keep me away from your wedding?”

“I swear, no one knew about it. We got married in the Registrar office.” Sanskaar stepped forward in an attempt to console her.

She stepped back again. “That is not what I asked. Did you send me away just to keep me in the dark?”

“Ragini, I thought... I did this for you.”

Ragini stepped back. “Bhai, until I get a straight answer from you, I am not talking to you.” With that, she walked out of the study.


Swara was watching the confrontation from the doorway. “I messed it up. Didn't I?” Sanskaar commented.

“Well, you missed out these details in your planning.” She taunted.

“Swara, I thought we are over that.” Sanskaar had a lengthy conversation with Swara after Danny drama. He revealed being her senior in college and how he had met her Dida to get to know the truth the first week of their marriage. Both were now on talking terms and Sanskaar hoped the relationship would reach normal with time.

“Okay, I agree. But Ragini is not going to agree so easily.” Swara reminded

“She can be quite stubborn at times but didn't expect today to be that time.”

“After all, she is your sister, Sanskaar. I thought she hardly goes against. Do you consider this progress?”

“Hardly. She is stubborn. But she is pushing for the wrong topic, don't you think? She should be asking me why I married you and look at what she is asking.”

“Tough time for you then.”

“Never thought I would ask you this but how do you handle Lucky?”

“If his demands are reasonable, I try to fulfill them or try to console him somehow. If his demands are unreasonable, I would just leave him to brood on his own. In my house, it's very difficult to brood over long periods of time. So he would forget the issue in few days.”

“Think I can apply over here?”

“I think Ragini is more sensitive than Lucky. You can take your time but she does want her answer.”

Sanskaar was amazed at how easily he could share his thoughts with Swara. And her suggestions made sense as well.

“You know Swara, I saw so many facets of you in such a short time, from the defeated warrior and cry baby to the astute businesswoman and a friend. Do you know which one is my favourite?”

“Defeated warrior?”

“Wrong. I hate to see you like that. I love the businesswoman front, a lioness ready for hunt.”

Sanskaar had asked her to move on from the past memories. But they were too bitter to forget easily. While he praised her acumen when discussing current affairs, she realised he was searching for that Swara he saw 8 years back.

“How about you go and try speaking to your sister now?” She diverted.

“Do I need to do that now?”

Swara crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. Sanskaar got his answer.

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