9. Truth of The Past

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Sanskaar countered, “You are just saying this for your revenge. There are other ways to get things done without stooping so low.”

“Sanskaar Maheshwari, don't tell me a stranger's feelings matter to you over your own sister.” Danny said.

Sanskaar thought of the consequences. Did he love his sister enough to destroy someone else's life? Sanskaar Maheshwari! Can you get a hang on yourself? This is no way to make things better.

“Think about it, Mr Maheshwari! Your sister who is a princess of your empire could be reduced to a puppet. These Gadodias have no concern for outsiders and that's what your sister would be. A puppet and an outsider who would curse you her whole life for throwing her into that dungeon.”

The brother gave in to the strong provocative words. “Swara wouldn't agree for the marriage.”

“She would if you give her a reason to accept.” Danny had shared with him about Swara's parentage and promised to pass the evidences to him.

Sanskaar fell for the trap and committed the biggest blunder of his life. He had blackmailed Swara to marry him.


“Danny, let's show Swara what happened instead of you doing the talking.” Sanskaar connected his phone to the TV and aired the conversation he had with Danny in his office.

By the time the conversation reached the end, her tears threatened to show themselves. Danny! How could he do this to her? 'Swara loves Danny' - She had written it in her scrapbook in so many themes. She wanted to burn them once again; alas they were in ashes.

The love had probably ended when Danny proposed that they elope but Swara Gadodia was a fighter and she would fight for her non-existent love. Her family accepted. Swara had dreamt with eyes wide open of marriage and life after with Danny. How much had she given this relationship!

She felt drained watching this conversation. Was it even her Danny in the video or the one standing before her? She had no words for this Danny. So, she turned to the next person, Sanskaar.

“I am sorry, Swara, I have made the worst mistake ever knowing it's a mistake. I should have spoken to you or some one else to confirm but I was blinded.”

“Sanskaar, can you just send him out? I can't bear to see him and know that I have some time ago loved him. I feel irritated even saying that. Just throw him out first.”

“Oh wow.. yeah you must be thinking you got a rich husband anyway. So, no harm done there!” Danny barked.

“Danny, you have spouted enough nonsense. But today I know the truth and will not tolerate another word against Swara. Apologise to her and get out.”

“I don't want his apology. He can keep it. Just get him out of here. Sanskaar, I am feeling suffocated.” Swara shouted.

Sanskaar called the guards and in moments it was just Swara and Sanskaar in the vast hall. Swara took a step back and sat on the sofa. Four years of a relationship ended in four minutes took another four years to forget just to make comeback in such a disgusting manner. She released the tight hold on her eyes and her tears flowed.

The moments that were once the most cherished in her life flashed before her. The moment she met Danny, how she fell in love with him, his proposal after college graduation and then the bubble of the so-called marriage which broke an hour before the disaster happened. She had closed the chapter without a second glance. However after hearing Danny talk in such crude manner, she wanted to narrate those events out and dissect where she went wrong that her first love turned to hate and disgust.

Sanskaar had taken his seat next to her. There was no contact between them yet she didn't reject his silent support. Whatever he did, he did. She preferred to look forward. Can she reveal her thoughts to him? She pushed her fringe behind her ear. She felt the thin chain on her clavicle. She decided.

“Sanskaar, can I share with you something?”

“If you promise to forgive me, I will listen.”

Swara side-glanced him and dived into the details of the fateful day.

“My parents had accepted our love and both families were happy about the marriage. An hour before the ceremony started, I couldn't find my Ma and Baba. I went in search for them to find them in Baba's office room. That sight was so pathetic that it erased all other rationale in my mind. There was our company lawyer, his parents and my parents. I had walked in at a choice second before my Baba signed the papers of my dowry, his baby, the Tunes Music Company.

I scanned the crowd to find Danny standing with crossed arms supervising the deed. I couldn't control my anger. If he loved me, the true love kind, why did he ask my Baba for such a sacrifice? He was giving me away but what right do I have to snatch his dream from him? Also, Tunes is not just mine. There's Lucky as well. It meant life for our family and this leech had demanded for such a jewel. Would you have let that happen Sanskaar?” Swara asked but didn't pause for reply.

“So I did what I felt was right. I returned his ring, gave him a tight slap and threw him out of my house, by the collar, mind you. No one, means no one, was allowed to talk or say anything. It was my decision and I took it. There were consequences, yes and I faced them. I tried to make it up to my Baba by working hard for Tunes. I will never play with that part of our lives. If I wasn't confident of Lucky, I would not have placed him there even today, come what may.”

“I know, Swara.” Sanskaar spoke softly. His hand came up behind her but he took it back.

“I just don't understand what went wrong? I love my family. I love my brother. And I can cross the impossible if they are at stake. Is that my mistake? How can they become my weakness? One person I loved, my first love, the sweetest times of my life are now burnt to ashes.” Swara sobbed in frustration. She had reached a point that she didn't filter what she was saying. She felt spent, void, indifferent. She leaned against the closest support found, Sanskaar, and closed her eyes shutting off the whole world. Involuntarily, his hand reached around her and patted her lightly.

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