Why does it have to be cooking

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Yuki waking up from her nap got up off the clown and walked over to Gon she hadn't seen him and wanted to check on him.
"Gon?" She whispered, a confused look spread over her eyes
Gon turned to face her but had leaves and sticks in his hair, a tuff of white hair next to him caught Yukis attention. Killua looking calm and collected was upside down with a rope tied around him.
"Killua what are you doing?" Yuki asked
"Oh nothing much just hanging around." Killua replied sarcasm dripping from his tone
"Hmmm, well I guess you can stay there then," yuki paused and with a tricky look in her eye, laced her arms around his head, pulling him towards her and then letting go, letting him swing back and forth, almost like a pendulum. 

Yuki watched killua and made sure he wasn't going to fall before had in doing so but it was to much of an opportunity to pass up, she was kind of hoping to annoy him, but by his blank face it looks like it didn't work, with a sigh escaping her mouth, she looked around to see what this next phase could be, so far it was nothing special, a field in  front of a large door, people running in panting and sweaty.

disgust swept across her eyes at some of the competitors, a bigger man with red hair was laughing loudly and declaring he was going to make it, and become a hunter. Yuki couldn't see him making it anywhere anytime soon, Physically he may have been able to keep up, witch was surprising on its own, not that she thought bigger people couldn't do things,  just his attitude was starting to piss her off. 

Her eyes landed on Hisoka sitting near a tree, watching her and the group. Chills ran up her back as his Nen investigated her, trying to crawl its way around her and consume her in its dark depths. Nen seeped out of her as she defended herself from his prying, a glare coming from her eyes aimed at him, not forgetting about the kiss and forceful removal of her mask.  

turning her back to him, her mind angry with him, but by the way hes dressed it shouldn't have been a surprise to her, he seems like a trickster, a clown, or jester however you want to look at it. he is an intriguing person, the bright colors, the murderous aura, and that smile. Yuki was attracted to him in a strange sense, she cant tell wither its physically or if it was his aura, but she was intrigued and had a strange sense that he was just as curious about her as she was him. 

a horn Blared signaling the end of the first phase, pulling Yuki away from her thoughts on the jester just a bit away from her.  Satotz Appeared in front of the gate congratulating all that had made it this far, and how the dangers ahead were just beginning. 

the gate was opening slowly but loud as if it was taking a whole army to move the door, once it was open fully, people started to walk into the area beyond, Yuki waited till Hisoka had moved from his position, hoping he would stop with his nen pestering, but it looks like he wasn't done playing with her for as soon as she moved over to Gon. Hisoka was in front of her in an instant staring her down like a dominant hunter looking at his prey. 

Yuki hardened her eyes not showing her emotions to him, she was still angry with him for what he did to her and Gon. He extended his hand out to her as if beckoning her to walk beside him, an invitation, a trap. she moved past him and his hand not once taking her eyes off him, he was to excited, to hungry for her to deal with right now, Gon was her main priority and He needed someone to watch him, after all how would she repay him if she couldn't even protect him. 

she walked past that hungry beast or any other for her brother, her family, and the ones who saved her. before she could fully walk past him, his hand wrapped around her bicep in a flash twisting her back towards him, the sudden change casing her to stumble a little. Hisoka in her unbalance swept her off her feet carrying her like a prized bride to be. with her in his arms he started walking back into the Phase 2 area, with almost a gleeful look of satisfaction. 

Yuki snarled in return ready to beat the hell outa him, but remembering she wasn't allowed to kill him, or harm him without getting disqualified, She needed to be in the game to help Gon, not like she gave a shit about the license, she knew a plastic card that allowed only strong people to do what they want was bad, but she knew people who don't need a card and could do more, even destroy cities with no repercussions. the cards were bullshit and she knew it,  people get bought and sold just like anything else in this world. she just so happened to know most of the extend of bad powers in this world. 

she fought to get out of his grasp for only a moment before, giving up and accepting the fact she couldn't break out even if she wanted to. Hisoka didn't look it but he was strong, almost like steel, the way his arm was around her waist and under her knees, if she did struggle it would have been fruitless.

carrying her into the Phase 2 fields, she looked around and saw, cooking stations?  and two examiners. one bright blue haired skinny woman who was on the luckier side of feminine attributes, and a quite larger man who toke up an entire couch, he was staring at us with a smile bright and almost actually happy.  

as soon as she started talking Yuki stared off into the distance with boredom, actually she was so bored she wanted to take a nap. until  Hisokas Nen started to lash out challenging the examiner, in a sense she could understand assessing  the examiners seeing  how strong they actually are, a bit petty to her but it was his life. 

Zooning out again forgetting about the crazy man holding her, she started to relax. his arms weren't  so bad, warm and muscular,    actually pretty comfy. 

Suddenly a smash was heard, and as Yuki looked over she saw the redhead from earlier, snickering to herself about his misfortune. she started to pay attention to the examiners only to hear.

She would have to cook.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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