What Do You Think Your Doing?

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Waking up I felt, warm? Strange, snuggling closer to the source of heat only to hear a chuckle.

"You comfy, My little fruit?" An amused voice asked. Lifting up my head only to see Hisoka starring down at me.

"well what can I say you're warm." Bringing my head back down, I tried to fall back asleep

"Little fruit, Wake up the shows about to start." not wanting to move Hisoka sighed then dropped me on the ground.

"Hisoka,one day I will kill you." My eye twitched in annoyance as I lifted myself off the ground, in response all I got was a chuckle.

Turning away I saw Leorio he started saying nonsense,so I zoned out till a fishing hook and wight hit Hisoka in the face, Knowing who that was I jumped up to help, but suddenly feltarms around me turning around I saw it was Hisoka, he held me down with his power.

Soon Gon, jumped out of the bush he was hiding in, and Hisoka started to walk towards him, a creepy smile on his face, I started to struggle more and more, my baby brother was about to face Hisoka, hes not ready.

Hisoka's power was strong but I have some tricks up my sleeve or not really, as Hisoka went to grab Gons throat I propelled my self forward, getting in the way, his hand closed around my throat, and Gon hit my back, my hands were still behind my back, I couldn't claw at his hand, Gon was in to much shock to help me and Hisoka looked like he was enjoying himself, a smile etched a cross his face.

"My, my what a surprise, if you wanted to get choked you could have just asked, My little Fruit." Hisokas face was full of mock surprise. The Bastard.

I tried to respond but only gurgles came out of my mouth, as my vision turned dark, and Gon tried to hit Hisoka again, my throat was released and air entered my lungs again in big gulps of air. Hisoka walked up to me, his hand was about to grab me when I grabbed his wrist.

"You can just fuck off right now, my dear sir." a coy smile full of murder etched onto my face.

"Now that's not very nice, My Little fruit." a tic of anger was on his forehead. SCORE 1.

"And what will you do about it?" my smile left my face, but my eyes held amusement.

"I may just kill Gon right now." all trace of amusement left my face.

"I know you wont do that, You and I both know he has to much potential for you to kill him right now, am I right?"A mischievous smile overcame my face

"You know me too well, My Little Fruit" more ticks appeared on his head.

"Of course I do, I need to know who to keep Gon away from." Hisoka sweetdroped.

Hisoka's hand retracted, and he walked to Leorio and picked him up, I zoned out as he talked to Gon, and soon we were running again but this time with The Kurta. Gon and Kurta boy ran and talked about kindred spirits, they ignored me, we Gon held onto my hand as we ran he knew I wasn't one to talk around people I don't trust or know well.

Soon we were on the second exam site, looking at Hisoka he crooked his finger at me, telling me to go to him, walking up to him I laid down in his lap and fell asleep.

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