Chapter Three:The Mystic

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I'm really excited about this chapter. Mainly because I finally get to bring Jinxx & the others into the story :D Hope you enjoy it <3

Behind those eyes lies the truth & grief...
Behind those beautiful smiles I've seen tragedy...
The flawless skin hides the secrets within
Silent forces that secretly ignite your sins

    The sparkle of the freshly fallen snow blinded my eyes. The world was covered in white & I as well. Each flake whirled & span effortlessly & without a care in the world. Ever so softly, the cold pale lips kissed the brown soil, but it's greeting was ever so warm. 

"Still have your head in the clouds?"  A voice erupted behind me. I let out a clouded sigh & turned.

"I thought I told you to stay with the others..." I barked, my eyes burning with a eternal flame of fury.

The Deviant kept a serious face as he spoke. Though, seriousness never was in his dictionary of emotions. "We both know you won't be able to find The Prophet alone. That's why we-"

    "Wait, we? You mean, they came as well?" I spat out the words "We'' & "They"  with pure irritation & anger. Two figures emerged from the dark mouth of the forest behind The Deviant. In the orange glow of the moon, The Mourner & The Destroyer looked as if they came from Hell instead of Heaven.

    "Honestly Jinxx, did you really think we'd stay up there while you have fun down here?"  The Destroyer asked with a mile wide grin. Amongst the five of us, he was always the less...responsible one. We each had our own individual  personalities.

    The Prophet, though younger than us, was more poetic & chose solitude rather than socializing. He came up with the hymns we sing to The Outcasts during the darkest times. Like me, he was also a leader of The Army. But something about him separated himself from us...that was his battle cry. It was so loud & strong even Hell & Earth could hear it. But to humans, it sounded like nothing more than thunder.

    The Deviant on the other hand, was a outgoing, ladies man. He'd spend most of his time watching the Earth women in strip joints & whore houses. Now since he's here on Earth, that's where he'll be rather than helping us find The Prophet.

    Then there was The Mourner. He, out of all of us, was more quiet & kept to himself most often. Angels & Demons preferred him over The Deviant.  It seemed him & The Prophet became really close over the years. Closer than any of us could ever imagine. Even though they weren't blood brothers, they treated one another as if they were.

    Last was The Destroyer. He had a kind, friendly heart. He was nice to you if you were nice to him. He stood up for what he believed in & for his fellow army members. Being half Angel & Demon, or as we call them, Daevas, he was rejected & labeled as an Outcast. His wings were made of Hell's fire & Heaven's grace.  Thus being said, he could easily destroy anything in his path.

   We were all unique...but The Holy Ones didn't see it that way. We didn't worship their so called "God" & that made us evil. We didn't worship anything really.

"I told you to stay with The Army!" I snapped, making them jump.

"Relax, we just thought you needed help finding him is all." The Deviant placed a hard hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off & turned away from him.

"I strictly instructed you to stay behind! Without you there, The Army is left to defend for themselves. It's bad enough that I have to locate Andy before The Executors do, but now I have to baby-sit you three?"

    "First off, who said anything about baby-sitting? We're not children;we can take care of ourselves. Secondly, you're not the only one worried about him. We're all worried about him, the Army included. We're a family & families don't leave one another behind." The Mourner spoke sternly. We were shocked, for the rareness he ever spoke. I let out a long sigh. Fighting was getting us nowhere & a waste of time.

"Alright, you can help. But under one condition, you must act civil. Yes, that means flying in plain eye view of the humans." The Deviant let out a loud groan.

"But that's pedestrian! The humans are!" A devilish grin danced across my lips.

"Yet that doesn't stop you from fucking them, does it?" His face grew red hot.

"Let's just find him already!" He remarked, pushing past me. (Who was having an extreme laughing fit along with Jake & CC)

"Oh Ashley, you are something else." I chuckled, wiping away a tear. We followed close behind. I just hoped we could find him in time before it was too late.

End of ch3 :D

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