「Chapter 7 ~ Second Murder」

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《 Kokichi's POV》
As we broke the kiss, I heard a bang on the door. "Who is it?" I asked, "THERE'S BEEN ANOTHER MURDER!" a voice yelled. My heart started beating really fast, I couldn't believe that our classmates would actually kill each other for the sake of them just leaving every single one of us executed.. It disgusts me..

Shuichi looked at me then sighed, "Come on let's go.." he placed his hat back on. "O-Okay.." I stuttered, As Shuichi opened the door a blue haired girl ran in sobbing. "G-Gonta's dead.." Tsumigi said while still sobbing her eyes out.

Gonta?! Why him.. He just wanted to escape.. I thought to myself, Shuichi walked out of the room, I followed him just in case the culprit's still doing his work.

"A-Are you okay?" I asked, "No.. We have to find this killer.." I gulped. I already knew that Shuichi was the type of person who would always be serious when something bad has happened.

"We have to end this.. Killing Game.." he gave a weak smile, "How will I be any help?" I stopped, "How will I, be such a help to a person like you.." I added. "What are you talking about?" he asked, "I'll be no help to you." I whispered.
Shuichi walked toward me, "Don't say that about yourself.." he held my cheek. "I'm your boyfriend.." I crossed my arms.

"So it means that you can't say things like that to yourself..Because I said so.." he shrugged, "Come on, everyone's waiting for us." he grabbed my hand and ran over to the warehouse. I looked at Gonta's dead body, "BAMM BUMM BUMM!! A MURDER HAS OCCURRED!!" Monokuma announced on the intercom.

This is truly sickening.. I thought to myself, I noticed that there was a rope hanging from his neck. This might be a suicide, but still there were stab marks on his chest and both his thighs.

"The murder weapon is definitely a knife from the kitchen." I pointed to a kitchen knife beside the body. "Could you check the Monokuma files?" Shuichi asked, I opened up the Monokuma file amd showed it to Shuichi.

Victim — Gonta Gokuhara
Case of death — His body shows signs of strangulation but also has stab wounds both on his thighs.
Time of murder — Around 7:00 a.m — 7:15 a.m

As he finished reading the last sentence, he turned over to me "Who do you think did this?" he gazed at me.
"Huh?! I don't want to point fingers but.. It might be— " Someone cut me off "WHO'S DEAD?!" Maki and Kaito ran in.

"Gonta.." Maki whimpered, "So? Who the hell's the culprt..?" Kaito asked, he put his hands on Maki's shoulder,
"Everything's going to be okay.." He whispered to her.

Everyone ran in staring at the body, "Basically, Gonta has been strangled and stabbed in the same time." I point at the body. "Look, there's a knife that belongs to the kitchen." Shuichi finished my sentence.

"So.. Which one of you bastards killed Gonta?!" I yelled, there was dead silent around the warehouse. "Come on Kokichi.." Shuichi walked away "Let's investigate this futher.." I followed him but still feeling disgusted.

"Let's check the kitchen first shall we?" he asked "Sure.." I replied with no hesitation.


《Kaito's POV》
As those two walked out of the warehouse I turned to Maki and asked "Should we investigate too?" "Yeah it's for the best.." she frowned.

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