Chapter 8 (double traps)

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Your pov:

So me and the guys started to set up traps every where we also keeping an eye out for our killer!

???  Pov:

There so dump they don't even know I'm right here looking at every single trap there setting up.

I setted up a map so I can watch were all the traps are.

Lui pov:

I find (y/n)  sweet and friendly.

"Oops" I say "help I'm stuck" I screamed out I see (y/n) come then she had a scared face on her.

Your pov:

"GUYS LUI OUT SIDE!!?" I yelled I see everyone look outside there windows Delirious must be up stairs.

I start breaking down the door but its not working "NOGLA GET THE AXE ITS IN THE BASEMENT" I yell.

I then saw him or her the killer slowly walking over to lui I start yelling and crying "LUI" all the guys start yelling at lui I could also hear Delirious scream from down here.

I here lui scream then that's when I saw it.


I see him or her slice lui stomach open all of his insides spil all over the floor.

I couldn't watch anymore I vomited every where but I stayed strong and watched as lui died a brave monkey but as his body dragged away with his inside sliding along the floor I vomited some more.

The guys ran in "holy shit are you ok (y/n) " basic basically screamed into my ear "yeah" nogla came running back in "the AXE is Focking gone" he says I couldn't think "guys I need a bucket I say" terror ran out grabbing a bucket just in time I threw up some more.

"Where's delirious" I asked then he runs in "oh my god (y/n)" he runs over hugging me not caring I had vomited all over my self "hold on Delirious" I say grabbing thr bucket again and threw up some more "its ok (y/n) its ok" he says comforting me.

I smile "thanks,  I'm going up stairs for sleep and hope I feel better in the morning.

H20SkyGirl: hope u guys like the gorey chapter baiiii guys

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