Twenty Three: Visitors

Start from the beginning

"Hey... Boze," Shayne slowly said. He looked at me and said, "I'll see you later". He backed away and turned around to walk out of my office.

"Da hell?" Boze asked as she looked back out the door.

"Nothing," I replied to her. "What about Tristan?"

She turned back to me and went, "Oh! You need to control your boy because I swear his flirting is getting worse and worse."

"I didn't even realize he was still flirting," I admitted.

"Just because he's worked up about your..." I instantly shushed her and she started chuckling. "That doesn't mean he stopped being Tristan."

"You know you love it," I stated with a chuckle as I sat down in my chair and looked at the roses that sat on my desk. They were really beautiful and I don't think I was just saying that because of my love for roses either.

"Can we talk abou-" I pointed at the door, and she sighed and grabbed the door knob while pulling it shut. "Better princess?" I smiled widely and nodded my head. "Do you know if you're pregnant yet?"

"No, Boze," I said to her. "God, we just assumed this yesterday. We don't even know if it's true."

"You got sick, Ronnie," Boze pointed out.

"Yeah, but that could've meant anything," I stated. "I'm not thinking too much about it anyway."

"Do you want to be pregnant?" Boze asked me.

"Not now," I said. "Not after all the shit Anthony and I have been going through, and not after the shit Shayne and I have been doing behind his back. I'm just..." I sighed and leaned my head back in my chair. "I'm just a terrible person that basically told her boyfriend she'd stay with him and even made a deal with him."

"What the hell?" Boze asked. "What kind of deal?"

"Oh you know, just that I'll stop going to Tristan's house any time we fight," I replied. Boze caught on to what I said and shook her head. "And he will be a better boyfriend."

"He's been saying that for almost a month now and we ain't seen shit from him," Boze stated.

"But god, if you only saw the look on his face, Boze," I said to him. "I've never seen someone so pissed and hurt at the same time before."

"I have," Boze admitted. I looked at her and she said, "You, Ron." I shook my head and sat up in my chair. "You gotta be happy, girl. And I know you aren't happy with Anthony."

"You'll never believe what Tristan said to me this morning," I told her.

"Oh I know what he said and that's another reason I was pissed at him this morning," she said to me. "Okay, I'm gonna be real with you for a second; I don't like when any of us are involved with your current situation anyway because our opinions are irrelevant."


"Hear me out," she said. "Whatever choice you make, it's your choice to make. Not mine, not Tristan's, not Anthony's and not Shayne's. It's your choice and that's why I didn't like that Tristan said that because he is telling you to wait and that influenced you to stay with Anthony."

"But he is right, Boze," I said to her. "I couldn't live with myself if I ended things with him while he is going through all of this."

"Sorry to admit it, but hun, that's life," Boze stated. We both jumped when there was a knock at the door and Boze looked at me. I nodded at her and she opened the door, and to my surprise, my baby sister popped her head in the doorway.

"Hey lovelies," she said. I smiled and got up from my chair.

"Mia, hey," I said to her. "What are you doing here?"

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