The Northern Friends

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       It took almost the whole afternoon to explain to Eugene everything he didn't know, or understand. I let myself explain to him history, complicated words, provinces, and how Polis worked. And surprisingly Eugene listened with little interruptions.

               I sighed as I leaned back against the tree. My tongue felt heavy from so much talking. Eugene sat still in front of me, processing everything I just told him. Sunlight sliced through the tree's branches, casting Eugene's face with light. He didn't seem as milky white as he usually did.

    We had left the Market long ago, not bearing the noise and movement of it. We settled in front of an... oak tree. I proudly remembered some identifications of trees and plants.

"That... that was a lot." Eugene sputtered, running a hand through his almost blond curls. I poked a hole into the ground with my finger, not caring about the dirt currently gathering in my nail. "Yes," I agreed, watching the soil split around my finger. "But you will soon understand."

         "And you learned all of this through reading?" Eugene asked. I nodded. He gave out a chuckle. "You really are a gem, aren't you?" I looked up. "I don't consider myself a gem. More like a dusty round stone." I said, earning a grin from Eugene.

I chuckled as I pushed myself to my feet. I glanced up at the sky, the sun already transforming itself into a deeper shade of yellow, indicating the sunset was close by. "I need to go. It was lovely spending my day with you." I said, squeezing his arm as I walked past him.

          Eugene gripped my hand before I could pull away. Warmth spread through my body as his hand lingered over mine. "Let me walk you, Zaila." He said, more of a statement than an offer. I smiled at his kind gesture. "Thank you, but you should go home to be ready for dinner with the others. Cook must be already preparing supper." I suggested.

     A small smile lifted in his face. He nodded. "Very well, Zaila. I will see you later, right?" Eugene grinned. I nodded, taking a step back. "Of course," I smiled.

    I turned away, my smile faltering as I walked away. Guilt and confusion grew inside of me. Jako's words echoed in my head. I didn't deserve Eugene. I had practically lied to him about having someone else. I pursed my lips as I wrapped my wool coat tighter around my chest.

     It was Jako that didn't deserve to be in my mind. He showed me how he hadn't changed since the first day I met him. I made my way towards the building, ducking my face into my coat as a string breeze picked up.

I felt my iron necklace being pressed against my neck, the gems as well. It was truly beautiful what Eugene got me. Curiosity bit me as I tried to figure out how Eugene would have actual money to pay the necklace. Silver and golden coins were so rare lately, how could Eugene possess such a thing?

           Perhaps it was the town that Eugene and Hussain had came from. Maybe it was more common there. I stepped into the building, sighing relief as I let the coat fall from my face. I ran a hand through my hair, attempting to look decent. I continued forward to the main room.

I swung open the doors, stepping inside. The rectangular table stood in front of me, only partially filled. I moved towards my seat when I spotted Zamora. She was seated near Wavner and Bo, at the end of the table.

         Her dark eyes moved over to find mine, they almost seemed black. Her dark complexion looked almost pale under the strange lighting of the room. Her black hair was tightly pull back in a simple braid. She didn't smile at me like she usually did.

I quietly sank into the chair next to her. "Is something wrong?" I asked her in our dialect. Zamora faced forward, not meeting my gaze. "The sunlight rays tell me something will happen very soon." She replied, her usual prominent voice lowered to a whisper. I almost sighed.

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