Ch-1 " Looks like someone has serious mommy issues "

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Chapter:1 "Looks like someone has serious mommy issues"

"She isn't what I expected her to be but again my expectations also never expected her to be perfect for my heart"

-Aiden Lindhagen

£££""Life is defined by moments. Good moments or bad moments who cares. The main part is that you have something to live for , something to look up to ,and something to learn from. Cherish the good ones and learn from the failures. My advice today is to just live it up. No stress at all. Let the world go to hell. It's your life. Fall in love, take a leap,endure a heartbreak ,make friends and learn something new. Sometime the smallest of happiness becomes the best moment of your life.

Ever seen a baby born?

Ever seen him getting a new life?

He is devoid of all the tensions. Can we just for a moment be like him?

Life is not only about competing and being on top, or to see who comes first. It's about learning from your mistakes and making new experiences along the way. After all its your life make it large. This is your very own Amy resigning guys.


Love,Amy ""£££

I sighed exhaustion seeping through my veins. The clock showed 11:30. It was late and everyone must be sleeping. I looked at my article one last time and was satisfied with it. Nobody knew who Love,Amy was. She was anonymous to everyone. She was someone who gave advices to students every week I the school's daily newspaper. She gave them a new meaning to life. But no one knew who Amy was or you could say Amanda Parker. I wasn't exactly invisible because I was the twin sister of school's one of the biggest players :Ashton Parker.

We maybe twins and understand each other the most but we were complete opposites. He was popular and the captain of schools basketball team while I was the girl who everybody knew and would occasionally talk to. I partied hard but Ash partied so hard that I would have to nurse him to health along with my hangover.

'I'm sexy and I know' it blares from my iPhone and I jump to find it stuffed between my pillows. Joeys name flashes in the ID .

"Hey Ames" Joeys voice comes from the other side.

"Don't tell me my brother is drunk and I have to play the roll of chauffeur yet again"I say as I make my way downstairs and grab my keys.

"Well you know him" he sighs. I quickly ask him the adress and make my way to my car.

Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be a long night?


" YOUR brother is batshit crazy but amazingly sexy" Erin says and gives out a dreamy sigh.

"Erin but he is still a jerk. Who gets this drunk" I say as I drive into the night.

"But being hot outnumbers it all" she says and shrugs.

"I don't care Erin if he is hot or sexy because he is going to get an earful from me when I see him "I said.

"Amy what am I gonna do with you. You are so thick headed and oblivious to all your surroundings. Sometimes I fear you will die a virgin nun. " she says and checks her reflection as we near the house.

Erin was the style diva at school. Super rich like us and utterly beautiful. Every cell in her body oozed glamour. Part of it because her mother Keisha Waldorf was a world famous fashion designer and her father Lucas Waldorf was a fashion photographer. Her brother Damien Waldorf - whom I have a crush on since freshmen year -is in college first year and was one of the sexiest guy in school. In all her whole family screamed money and looks. Erin used her months rather big allowance for clothes, accessories and stuff like that but me on the other hand used mine in buying novels or books and occasionally clothes and saved some money for charity.

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