Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was lying down in a very comfy bed and the room I was in appeared to be a hospital room. I listened to the faint beep of the machines as I mentally checked myself. The only place I felt pain was my side and I had a slight headache, other than that I was okay.

Suddenly I heard someone walk into the room. "How are you feeling", the man asked. Once my vision sharpened I realized it was a doctor. "Alright considering the circumstance. How about yourself?", I asked sarcastically. "We had to give you a blood transfusion and a skin graft..amongst other things", the doctor explained.

"And by other things you mean?"

"Well you skidded pretty badly after you fell off your bike. You tore a lot of skin off and you must have skidded against a sharp rock, a very sharp rock because the gash in your side went very deep. You lost almost a third of your blood. Had the men who found you not gotten there when they did, you would have died"

"I'm sorry, the men who found me. Where are they now?", I asked. Assuming Sam and Dean were the men, they must have brought me here and made up some story about finding me after I crashed my bike.

"They left, said they had some work to do. Now Diana, do you have any family or someone close to you that we can contact to let them know you're okay?", the doctor asked.

I smiled at the name the boys had given me which sounded strangely close to a girl version of Dean. "No I don't really keep in touch with my family. Never been much for friends either sorry Doctor"

"Well, you should be out in a few days. In the meanwhile rest up and if you are up for it, dinner is in an hour"

I thanked the doctor a he left me to myself. As I shifted in my bed I heard a rustling in my side opposite the wound. I reached my hand down to where the sound was coming from and wrapped my fingers around a piece of folded up paper.

I opened it up and began to read.

Bobby called and gave us another case. Hope you are feeling all right. Sam and I both agree that this was the last straw. We don't want you to get hurt. And please do not try to find us. Also I know you are stubborn as hell, but maybe take a break from hunting for a bit. Maybe try to start a normal life? Goodbye.


Anger pulsed through my veins like lava. I wanted to scream, I wanted to break something. I wanted a monster to appear in front of me simply so I could kill it. They left me. They just up right went and abandoned me. Sam and Dean knew that I wasn't going to just leave them. So they wait until I am too drugged up to argue and they just ditch me.

I sat there stewing in my anger and frustration until a nurse knocked on my door. "Um's dinner time. Would you like me to bring you something?"

"Actually no I um...I'm not hungry", the nurse nodded and began to walk out when an idea hatched, "But um you could help me get a hold of someone"

"Yes, who would you like for me to get a hold of Miss-"

"Singer, my last name is Singer and I was wondering if you could get my dad Bobby"

"Are you out of your mind?!", Bobby shouted.

"No I actually am quite sane. In fact, I haven't had a drug in me since this morning", I retorted annoyed by Bobby's out or proportion reaction to me calling him.

"Dean would kill you if he knew"

"Well in order for him to kill me I guess he would actually have to be here", I sneered.

"Don't you see what he's doing?!"

"Leaving meto deal with this all alone when they need me most yeah I think I see pretty crystal freaking clear", I exclaimed.

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